strawberry renovation

Edinboro, PA(Zone 5b)

This is my first year growing strawberries. I have some June-bearers that have made nice sized plants with lots of runners. Well, the books say to renovate June-bearers in the late Summer. Do I need to do this with these for first-year plants? They have a few ratty-looking leaves. Or does it matter? Thanks! Brian

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

Dunno. It's also my first year with strawberries. But I always trim off "ratty-looking" leaves. From three plants, I have 4 runners with another one coming. I've potted up the runners to get some more plants. The plants looked okay until I started using Superthrive with the fertilizer. Now it looks amazing.

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

If you planted this spring, you want those runners to start new plants this summer. I don't think you need to renovate your bed until after you pick next year's berries.

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