mona lavender

Melbourne, FL

Something is eating my mona lavender, there are extremely small cylindrical holes in the leaves. I've yet to be able to find an insect, but it is devastating the plant. It is all wilted, the other one I bought at the same time is huge and fine, I've separated them....any ideas anyone?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

If your local county extension office is nearby, you may want to take a portion of the plant in for one of the agents there to examine and see if they can identify the culprit causing the holes and wilting. My guess without seeing the plant would be that it is some sort of fungus or virus rather than an insect that is causing the problem, but the damage could be due to many different kinds of plant diseases or pests.

The county agents are paid with your tax dollars -- so put 'em to work to earn their keep! LOL Hope this helps.


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