A thought on poor plants

My garden is doing fine this year but then I always think it does. Maybe not everything is flowering its head off but they don't have to for me.

I work for a mainly Hindu company (I'm not a Hindu but we have interesting discussions LOL) and in the beginning of their holy texts they have a saying similar to one I heard not all that long ago. The one I heard was:

'In the garden, it's the plants that should count, the flowers and fruit should be considered a gift and not the sole aim.'

Just a thought!


Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

If you really think about it it makes sense.


Essex, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I'm happy with that thought Baa

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I like that :-)

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

In the garden, it is the feeling of the person inside it that counts. I find this the only definition of "garden": it is that purposefully planted area that gives you relaxation, peace and hope. All other data, including variegated cultivars, are technical details. And for you, it is the grandfather revived in there, yes ??


LOL Dimitri, you got it in one....You're right gardens are on several levels some of which which transcend the physical world. Memories and gardens are most definitely tied for me as are feelings of peace and hopeful anticipation for the future, I'm sure its true for most other people too.

Its good to see you posting again!

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