Chance to see my "Neck of the Woods"

Crozet, VA

Was just thinking that I ought to tell you folks about the movie - Evan Almighty.

This movie was shot in my hometown last summer. I haven't seen the movie yet, so am not sure how much of the local landscaping shows. I did notice on some of the TV commercials, I was able to see the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains as the backdrop.

If a person were to look out the front door of Evan's house and a little to the left, and had a telescope, you could probably see me on my piece of the hillside out front gardening last year. ha-ha My nephew was an extra in the movie and was on call nearly every day of the shooting. Even he hasn't been to see the movie yet though, so I am not sure if there are any good shots of him or not. He said that he played a policeman in some of it.

I haven't heard how it is doing at the box office, but this flick is being said to be the most expensive movie to make in Hollywood history. I live within 20 miles of The University of Virginia and the either director or the producer of this movie graduated from UVA. He really did our community well. Before they left location last year he purchased a church for the city to make in to a homeless shelter. How about that?

Anyways, if any of you have seen the movie, please write and let me know what you thought. I do know that I thought Bruce Almighty was hilarious, but Jim Carrey is so funny anyway. Thanks.

I can't decide whether to go to theater and watch the movie, or to wait until it is on DVD. Any thoughts?

While on the topic of local celebrities, The Dave Matthews Band, which is supposedly the number one touring band, are all locals too and make their homes here. Sissy Spacek has made her home here for almost 30 years now. My ex-husband painted Jessica Lange and Sam Shepherds home while they lived here for about ten years or so. I can't recall any other local celebrities at the moment.

I feel very blessed to live here and be able to enjoy the year round beauty and other niceties that are found here.

You all have a good weekend coming up. Did having a holiday in the middle of the week confuse anyone else the way it did me? ha-ha Take care.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Fun facts of Crozet! I never guessed.
Theaters are so dang expensive these days!!
Yes, I'm totally confused. Now I know what my excuse is.....

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow Ruby!!! I didn't know 'Evan Almighty' was filmed in VA... and in your hometown to boot! How cool is that??? I really want to see it... I loved 'Bruce Almighty', but I think the guy in 'Evan...', Steve Carell, is hilarious too. Did you see him in 'The 40 Year Old Virgin'? Hysterical! They say he is reprising his role from 'Bruce' as the news reporter. I'll probably wait to see it on DVD, but mainly because I'm so short-funded these days.

I know how excited I was years ago, when the producers came to Mountain Lake to set up the contract to film 'Dirty Dancing'. I was working as a trail guide with the horse stables there that summer, and I LOVED Patrick Swayze... but they didn't start filming until after I had left that job to get married and go overseas for the first time... BUMMER! Still loved the movie though.

Take care... Karen

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Wow Ruby, What fun. I think it will be hilarious, knowing the actors and previous films plus the trailers I've seen promoting it.
I almost never go to theaters unless it is a some type of action movie that I want a big screen to watch. I don't want to miss the little stuff or I want the impact you get from the larger screen like seeing The Perfect Storm, it just wasn't the same on my little TV. I think the last one I saw at the movies was the last Harry Potter film. There are so many little details in the Harry Potter films I don't want to miss them.
Of course you might be more in a hurry to see it first, but if you rent it you can spend some time looking it over for familiar places and faces. After we came home from Salzburg, Austria I rented The Sound of Music and watched it with my kids and pointed out all the places in the movie that I had seen, it was fun.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Don't forget the Ruby Mae Brown's Sneaky Pie mystery novels are set in Crozet. She has lived in Charlottesville for years. Sneaky Pie is a cat, for you cat lovers.

She has also written a series of mysteries with a fox hunting theme that I believe are set in Charlottesville. Somewhere thereabouts.

Back when I was a toddler, a Helen Hayes/Van Heflin movie was shot in my hometown, Manassas. I don't remember it but I've heard my mom talk about it. I'm sure that was quite a bit of excitement at the time, when Manassas had a population of less than 2,000.

I don't think Jim Carrey is in Evan Almighty, is he? I've seen clips and haven't seen him. But then I wasn't paying that much attention. LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart, Evan Almighty is played by Steve Carell. He was in the Bruce Almighty movie with Jim Carrey and I believe that this is something of a take off movie from the original but Jim Carrey is not in it.
Oh yes, I didn't think about the Sneaky Pie Mysteries and of course since I ride I have read some of the others too. Nice lite reading, perfect for the beach. Which reminds me I'll need to make a trip to the used paperback store soon.
Ruby, I forgot we love the Dave Matthews Band,.

Crozet, VA

Hey Gals - Yep, Crozet in the big times. Whoda thought? Hart, you made a typo. It is not Ruby Mae Brown, but Rita. ha-ha I can see how it happened though. You are forgiven. This time. ha-ha Oh yeah, forgot about Rita who lived a while in Charlottesville with Martina Navratilova. Sure I made a mess with the spelling of that name. ha-ha Again!!!

I spent most of today in Charlottesville hitting up my favorite stores, and some of my unfavorites. It seems that in the past three years or so since moving back to Crozet, when I need a day out, I end up going to a shopping center that has a Dollar Tree and a Joann's Fabric store. I see so many good deals that I end up spending a lot of money. Today I had three items on my list for Dollar Tree and my receipt came to fifty-nine dollars!!!!! They were all things that I will use though and it has been several months since I have done that.

I bought the new grandbaby a used baby crib at the thrift store this week for twenty-five dollars. I ended up spending somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty or sixty by the time I bought cushions, pads and sheets for it. She will have a nice bed though after her dad sands the crib down and re-stains it.

So, that was my day. I will let you all know if I decide to go to the theater. I can't remember the last movie I saw in the theater. I am sort of thinking that it might have been Bruce Almighty. How funny.

See ya good folks later on.


Crossville, TN

I just happened on this thread...and my DD just told me yesterday that she had gone to the theater to see Evan...and she also said that it SHOULD be seen in the theater.....Jo

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I've seen the previews for "Evan Almighty" in my local movie theatre and can't wait until it will be shown. That's so neat that the movie was shot in your home town and that they used local talent for the "extras".

Crozet, VA

Hi Jo and Shirley - Okay, that does it Jo. I WILL go to theater to see it. It had better be soon because it has been here for two weeks now. Maybe Sunday afternoon, hmmmmmmm.......

Thanks fir the responses. If and when you go, please report back with us. Thanks.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

LOL Where did I get Ruby Mae from? Next I'll be calling you Rita, Ruby.

Crozet, VA

It was good for a laugh Hart. Thanks and have a good weekend. Stay cool and don't work too hard.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

You too, Miss Ruby.

Crozet, VA



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