Hardy Geranium Seed Collecting

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I searched the forum but I didn't come up with much. Some of my hardy Geraniums have bloomed and seeded already. One minute the seeds are still there and the next they're nowhere to be found, the very epitome of "dehiscence".


I guess when they're ready, they go "sproing":


How can you collect these seeds? Can I grab them before they launch or fall or whatever it is they do when my back is turned?
These are Geranium pratense, bohemicum, and robertianum. I'd like to save some if I can.... maybe not the robertianum, though
Thanks for any advice!

Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

You have to carefully watch as the colour of the seed pod changes from green to brownish/blackish. At that moment gently press them and if they feel firm, remove them. I place mine in a glass I cover with a paper napkin and tie it with a rubber band. Then I pinch a few holes in the napkin with a needle. This way, they can 'breath' and will not rot and when the pod expells the seeds they are captured inside your glass.

Good luck!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes! thanks from me as well :-)

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Okay, this isn't turning out to be as tricky as I thought. The seeds stay on the plant pretty much, except the G. robertianum, which is a borderline stinky weed anyway. As long as I keep an eye on them they're not too hard to gather on the others. Thanks Ursula!

Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

Seandor & Claypa,

my pleasure!



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