Knockout roses on clearance at WalMart

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The Walmart here (Woodstock) has marked all their Knockout roses at half price - $7. These were large, blooming plants in large pots. They looked very healthy.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Got to check our local one out.
Thanks for the info.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I wonder if they are on sale here? I bought several last year, and they stayed in pots all winter. 99% of the plants I left out in pots survived EXCEPT all the knock-outs, which I have since learned like it fairly dry so I guess the winter ice did them in. Funny, because I always heard that knock-outs are tough as nails!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Did you all have that late cold snap late last winter, Happy? I lost roses and a couple of other things to that extreme cold after warm weather snap last year.

I've always heard Knockouts are just about the easiest roses to grow and hardiness shouldn't be an issue in your zone.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

That's exactly what I think killed them, Hart. We had an inch of ice sitting on top of water on all our containers. When I realized it, I knocked off what I could and moved them under shelter, but the Knockouts didn't make it. Funny, the stems are still bright green, but nothing I do gets them to leaf out. I may try Messenger. I have finally dug the bed I intended to put them in (I wrote that so easily -- actually, though, truth be told it was my step-son who dug it, under duress), so I'm disappointed they aren't thriving.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

They're alive if they have green stems. I'd go ahead and plant them and baby them a bit and see if they don't revive. Might not do much until next year but it's worth a shot.

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