Weber Nursery half price sale

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I am one worn out puppy tonight. Spent hours at the Weber sale in Winchester. Wanted to be sure to pass on the details before I crash.

Weber has two locations - the regular store/nursery on Route 11 just north of Winchester (Stephenson exit off 81) and what they call the farm, which normally isn't open to the public. The farm is just north of the store on 11 on the right if you're traveling north from 81. It's where they have many of their greenhouses and storage of plants beyond the space at the nursery.

Now through 6/27, everything at the farm only is half price. 6/28-7/1 everything at the store only is half price. 7/1-15 (I know, there's an overlap on 7/1. I'm using their dates.) everything at both the farm and the store is half price

They only have plants at the farm - oodles and oodles and oodles of plants, mostly perennials and annuals, some vegetables. The store will also have lots of plants including more trees and shrubs and roses as well as the perennials and annuals, and garden supplies, fertilizers, pots, etc.

At the farm, they have some quart size perennials now $2.50, many more large pot perennials, most around $5-$6 sale price. Daylilies were around $9.50, hellebores (large ones) were around the same price. They must have thousands of hostas, lots of astilbes, huge ligularias, lilies bigger than I've seen anywhere, ornamental grasses, a few heucheras, sedums, butterfly bushes, columbines, a few herbs in quarts, massive perennial hibiscus. I don't know where to start with the annuals. There were several greenhouses full. There were also some nice sized, blooming daturas for around $10 sale price. Lots of hanging baskets.

I know I'm forgetting lots. The garden phlox didn't look too hot. There were some pretty coreopsis in lots of colors but they looked a little picked over. There will probably be nice ones at the store the first day of that sale.

Most of the perennials are huge.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Sounds like some good loot to be had! Too bad that I will be sentenced to deck staining for the foreseeable future or I'd contemplate a road trip (well, maybe).

Thanks for the tip, Hart.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I forgot the coneflowers. Large pots of the new hybrids for around $10.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Too bad I won't be venturing down that way any time soon. Hopefully they'll be running some good sales somewhere up here.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

hart, sounds like you got some great deals! Too bad I wasn't closer, would love to check it out - with our ongoing expansion of the gardens there's always room for more :) I've been trying to finish up the area around the new arbor that I posted "before" pictures of last fall. One more trip to Lowes for a few more pavers and crushed stone and I'll be showing you "after" pictures, hopefully by the weekend. My only problem is that as this area starts to develop, I keep getting more ideas as I look at all the soil that's begging to be planted where it extends around the back of our pond - looks like it's going to be an all summer project! Note to self: need to take more "before" pictures soon just in case I get carried away and start a planting frenzy - with the cooler temps in the early morning before work it's easy to lose track of time :))

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I didn't buy a whole lot but I was really tickled with this plant. It's Hibiscus "Fireball."

Gita, this was bred by the same people who bred your Kopper King but it has bright red flowers.

It's sitting in front of the peonies, so that should give you an idea of the size of the plant.

Thumbnail by hart
Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

I planted about a thousand pansies from Weber's last fall.
I'll never buy pansies anywhere else. All of their plant stock is
healthy & robust, actually. But, the pansies were simply
stunning - pulling them up this spring to make way for annuals
was painful!

It's also painful to have missed their sale :)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Read the first post. It's still going on until July 15.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey P2G, with that name are you telling me that you're a "Kept Gardener" in Middleburg??? On a sweet horse farm, per chance?

Wait. Don't spoil my fantasy ... Fabulous gardens, refreshing swimming pool, warmbloods and an indoor lit ring ... Heaven.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

hart, 'Fireball' looks like a beauty - be sure to post pictures when it blooms! I love the foliage of 'Kopper King' almost as much as the blooms, however the Japanese beetles like the foliage as much as I do and usually by the time it blooms, the beetles have done so much damage it's not as stunning :(

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Diane - mercy another plant sale?!? Good thing it's a bit of a drive....although hmmm, I might have to drive my DD to my ex inlaws this w/e. How far is it from Linden?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Maybe 25 minutes to a half hour, Chantell. Just get on 66 west, turn off onto 81 North at Middletown, take 81 to the Stephenson (Route 11) exit. (It's the exit just past Route 7 exit.) To go to the farm, turn right off the ramp and go probably less than a mile. It's in the right, just look for the greenhouses.

To get to the store, turn left off the ramp and go maybe 2 miles, it's on the right. About two blocks after you turn off the ramp, you'll need to bear left in order to stay on Route 11. It looks like you're going onto another exit ramp.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Great directions, Diane...thank you!! I'm thinking pretty soon I'll need a new yard...LOL. Running out of room in the townhouse size one. :)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Just remember, if you go this weekend the sale will only be at the store.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

BTW, Chantell, at the store they have a few cactus inside, in the greenhouse that's attached to the main store building. The hardy succulents are usually up behind the little building thats to the left of that greenhouse as you're facing the front of the store building.

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

My goodness, Wrightie! You're 100% correct :)
It is heaven. A friend recently said that me being
paid to garden was like paying water to be wet. haha.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Wanna meet at the Tack Trunk some time, then walk up the hill for an icy cold beverage???

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

Hart -
Thanks for having me read the first post, more *carefully* this time.
Incentive to get back to Va asap!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Cactus...did you mention cactus? LOL maybe next w/e would be better?
"paid to garden was like paying water to be wet" ROTFL - I LIKE that one!!

opps...I guess Sunday would be the best time eh?

This message was edited Jun 28, 2007 12:19 PM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Is that back to Va from the sovereign nation of Middleburg? LOL I take it you're out of town.

Chantell, I'm guessing there won't be much left of the really good stuff at either place by the time the sale at both locations starts. I'd go this weekend. Oops, I guess the both places sale does start Sunday. (Emily Latella voice:) Never mind.

This message was edited Jun 28, 2007 1:25 PM

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

We had a nursery here near Harrisburg called Caperoons that went out of business and had a half price sale. I bought a dwarf Baptisia & a couple other plants there. The Baptisa is blooming teeny pink flowers. really cool plant.

Sterling, VA(Zone 7a)

Went to Weber's yesterday (7/3) and found some lovely plants for half price. This is a type of a coneflower:

Thumbnail by Snug_As_Bug_Rug
Sterling, VA(Zone 7a)

If you like red, this is the plant for you~~ It's quite exotic-looking--like an upright flame.

Thumbnail by Snug_As_Bug_Rug
Sterling, VA(Zone 7a)

A Fourth of July special:

Thumbnail by Snug_As_Bug_Rug
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Snug, this is a really old thread. Why don't you post your stuff in here?

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