All my peaches dropped...Why?

Central, AL(Zone 8a)

I have 2 peach trees...and Elberta and an Indian Blood. Initially there were hundreds of fuzzy green peaches on the Elberta and dozens on the smaller Indian Blood. As they matured they dropped off. The Elberta became barren about 3 weeks ago and about a week ago the Indian Blood peaches disappeared after getting to about walnut size. We are in the midst of an "exceptional drought" although I have intermittantly watered them. I have 2 apple trees and a pear near them that have fruit. What could have happened?

Baltimore, MD

Did you find any fallen fruit on the ground? If not then the squirrels got them all (hungry squirrels don't wait until they are ripe). If there are peaches on the ground look for bite damage. If there is no bite damage cut several open and look for insect damage. Usually insects cause peaches to drop at smaller size so that is not super likely, but is worth checking out. The last reason is the trees are still young and decided they didn't want to go through all the work of bearing crops this year.


La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

If the peach trees are otherwise healthy, "intermittantly watered them" is most probably the reason. This is especially true if the peach trees are young. Tress expand a lot of their energy producing fruit. If the trees went dry several times, the stresses created would lead the trees into dropping the fruit.

We went through a very bad drought the second half of 2005 and all of 2006. So I can empathize with you. I was able to keep my fruit trees alive and healthy by extending watering rings out beyond the tree crowns and watering deeply at least once a week. The trees planted in sandy soil needed water more often.

Central, AL(Zone 8a)

Some of the peaches I had covered in a fine nylon bag to protect against critters but in those cases the peach dropped into the bag apparently undamaged.

Alabama is under the worst drought in years, and most nearby communities are severely restricting or outlawing watering altogether. I am under a voluntary restriction and can't give everything what it needs. I should have used a tree ring, I guess; at least the tree is alive for next year. Thanks for the idea bettydee; I still have time to put tree rings around my apple and pear trees and maybe save some fruit.

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