Keep the Forum active.

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

There was a conversation on Daves forum requesting a Mums forum which has been denied at this time. Anways the subject came up about forums that are inactive and one of them mention was Terrarium forum. I am not here to start trouble, but to warn you only to keep this forum active if you want to keep it. Note: Dave nor Terry did NOT say they would cancel this forum, so please don't turn this into something it not. This rule applies to all forums.

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the heads up Patti!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Patti!
I saw the thread, too.
I don't think they meant any harm to us, but it is under used.I don't know why they didn't get their forum because I did not follow that thread to the conclusion. I think they were just using us an an example of a smaller forum. Sometimes small is ok, too. It can create a closer friendlier community. When we started they AV forum there were only a handful of us. Now it size fluctuates...
It seems most of the terrarium talk goes on in the AV forum and it would be nice for it to be more active here. During the summer I think most folks are just busy with outdoor gardening so of course we're slow.

I trust DG admins to do what is best for all of Dave's Garden.

Thanks for the heads up.


in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi MsC,
I agree they didn't mean any harm to the terrarium forum.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Funny, now that I think about it I post mainly in 2 forums the AV & this one... maybe the difference is that the terrarium forum is not "plant" specific??? I don't know why the reasoning for not allowing the other forum, I'm sorry for them.

Well, I 'll go see if I can find pics & topics to encourage this forum more to be more active...that's the best I can do.


Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

lol- kinda funny you said that...I was thinking this seemed more like an extension of the a.v. forum...with a few added bonus plants. lol But you're right- it's not plant specific- it just has most of the same people.

I'm just a drooler- don't have a terrarium set up (yet).

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes, it's ironic. I think that it kinda started in the AV forum because many of the gesneriads make such excellent terrarium plants, some even require it for the higher humidity terrariums offer. Then, creativity gets a hold and instead of plants in plastic baggies and salad containers meant for propagation purposes move on to more "aesthetically pleasing containers" that can be almost permanent gardens in their own rights.

There are so many plants that do well in terrariums especially our episcias. I don't think many of the newer AV members realize that the process of enclosing a plant in a container is in fact "terrarium gardening"
They mostly think of it as a way to propagate or sustain a plants life... nothing wrong with that it's just one aspect of terrariums.
It is hard to divide all the particulars up and still come out with the same total substance.

Many of the plants that take the similar care can share a spot in that begonias and most other houseplants...on a smaller scale of course.
I'm still dreaming of that 50 gallon aquarium full of Episcia Cleopatra!!

It's good to see new interest in the forum.


(Zone 1)

Oh MsC .... If you ever get that 50 gal terrarium full of E. Cleopatra ... what a beautiful sight that will be! I can just picture it! Wow! I am still sometimes wishing for the fish in our 150 gal to go to fishy heaven so I could use that one for a giant terrarium! Just think of all the nice plants I could put in here!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Wouldn't that be a sight!
I only have a 29 gall one so maybe I can start that project as soon as I find a spce for it...

Your's is beautiful as it the fishies!



This message was edited Jun 27, 2007 1:57 PM

(Zone 1)

Thanks MsC .... Yeah, the fishies are nice to look at too .... but I love plants more than fish! I guess I can't complain though ... I have waaaaay more plants than he does fish! LOL.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I really need more room if I want to grow everything on my want

Maybe in my next life..


(Zone 1)

Yep! I understand completely!

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

I really wish I had more space..... terrariums take up so much more space than pots...... I really should move home and office - just too lazy to do either. *sigh*

A bit of drool material - a gorgeously grown White Sprite:

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Beautifully grown plants... definitely those sinningias!

Thanks for sharing the pics.


(Zone 1)

Wow! That really is one Beautifully grown White Sprite! Looks Perfect! Very lovely.

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Handing Lottie a bib. LOL It sure is beautiful. Thanks for sharing Key.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG Lin! I just found this thread.... please don't wish your fish away! Unless you want to give them to me! I have always wanted a marine tank, but swore I wouldn't do it until we had a house of our own. It's just beautiful!


(Zone 1)

:) Thanks Karen, I call it Hubby's fish tank! All I do is put food in once a day ... he takes care of the rest. I don't even know it's there, don't notice it anymore ... just another piece of furniture! LOL. I keep saying I would just love to have it for plants! Wouldn't it make a Wonderful Terrarium???!!!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes... it probably would... but it is so nice as an aquarium too!

Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

Keyring that White Sprite is gorgeous, thanks for sharing the picture. And in a brandy snifter, those are fast becoming a favorite for terrariums for me. Just need to get a few of the bigger ones to really do up!

I bought one of those big cookie jar types like MsC has and I did plant it up with a few things but it has really become my little episcia stolon nursery. They sure do root well in there, even the little bitty ones and you also get the enjoyment of looking at them each time you walk by. :))

I'm going to keep my eyes peeled at yard sales and thrift stores for some of those aquariums. They would be really easy to work in and as mentioned the added benefit of the light if you wanted one!

I recently received a beautiful Blue Heaven Episcia in trade and put it in my thrift store find, I love it...


Thumbnail by bmedel
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

How adorable, Brenda! I too, love the brandy snifters, and wish I could find some of the smaller ones too! Being that F'burg is such a historic town, we have alot of antique stores... I have taken to checking out the many shops in town for hard to find and unusual containers to do terrariums in. I found one little place that has these great bell cloches, and I want one ssoooo bad! Unfortunately I can't afford to buy one right now... oh well!


Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

My eyes have definitely been opened on the wide variety of glass containers you could end up doing either small or big terrariums in.... Someone even mentioned one of those wooden bottomed glass topped cheese ball servers. That would be fun to set a nice episcia in it's own pot on to!

Every glass container I see now gets weighed out for it's terrarium holding abilities :))))


(Zone 1)

I see you ladies are hooked!! Fun isn't it??

I have a little micro mini sinningia that I got from a very generous DG'er growing in a small wine glass. I just put a little empty plastic fruit cup bowl on top of it as a lid! I got hooked on terrariums back in the mid 70's .... they are so much fun!

Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

So funny that you mention those little plastic fruit cup bowl as a lid, Lin. My DD took her lunch hour here at the house and my husband had some mandarin oranges in one of those fruit cups and when he finished I said "Don't throw that away, I need it" and he looks over at DD and says "I wonder what for??" with a big roll of his eyes. LOL Since she is saving all those great little plastic baby food containers for me she knows very well what for and she added her own eye roll. LOL!!

I'm going to end up with one of those sinns eventually and I think the wine glass idea that several of you use for it's home will be great!


(Zone 1)

hee hee Brenda ... My hubby likes those little applesauce and fruit bowl things too, so I save them all! At first he thought I was yelling at him not to throw them in the garbage because I am a nut about putting things in the recycle bin and am always going behind him and taking recyclables out of the trash and putting them in the bin. He said, I know, I know .... recycle bin! I replied, no ... plant containers! I poke holes in the bottoms of them and use them for AV leaves and little seeds too!

I think many of us have seen that eye rolling from family members! Duh ... you'd think they would be used to it by now!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Lin... Your the one that did the wine glasses! I couldn't remember who it was... but you inspired me to do a couple. Jan had given me a couple of the Sinn. 'Rio das Pedras'... they are so cute and tiny, I thought the wine glasses were perfect. I would love to have a 'White Sprite' to put in a wine glass too!

This is one of them...

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

The second one...

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

And from the inside...

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
(Zone 1)

I think a couple of other folks do wine glasses too! A perfect spot for little plants! I know a few people who wouldn't give up their wine glasses for dirt and plants though!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I also did this episcia in a terrarium, because it was not doing well in a pot. It really took off in the bowl. This is episcia 'Ember Lace'...

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

And a close-up of one of the baby stolons... (I like taking macro photos with my new camera!)

Thumbnail by VA_Wild_Rose
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Ah well... I have plenty of wine glasses... and I only need one to drink wine from! ;-)

Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

I like those spaghum moss "bowls" you make in your terrariums Rose, I need to get myself some that stuff. All the various gessie's sure seem to love it.

Lin a week or so ago I was a bit cranky at the end of the day (business book work, baby sitting my grand kids at the same time, cooking etc) and DH suggested that it was because I had too many plants to take care of :0))) I assured him it was not the plants it was the cooking of a hot lunch and dinner each day!!! He then said everything was great and just fine and I didn't have too many plants! ROFLOL


(Zone 1)

Oh, that is a nice one! I was thinking of putting an Episcia in a terrarium jar to see how it would do, but I thought they would get big real quick, so I haven't done it. I have a huge, heavy glass bottle from back in the 70's when bottled water used to be in glass vs the plastic it now comes in. I cheated and had a hole cut in the back so I could get into it easily to plant it up ... it only has a couple of things in it right now that I've been wanting to take out. I may empty the thing out, sterilize it thoroughly and plant an Episcia in it. I think it would look really neat!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I'll bet it would! There are some smaller-growing varieties out there. As you've seen from some of my other posts, don't put 'Kee-wee' in there! LOL!

Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

I love that Ember Lace episcia, it is soooo pretty!

Since I've gotten into plants I really wish I had a camera that would take close ups and or those macro photo's!! I tried and tried to get a decent picture of my new Mother's Lipstick Kohleria's bloom and my Kodak V530 just does not even come close to doing it justice! Or any of my other flower shots that I want close ups on for that matter.....Which camera did you get Rose?


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I have the Canon Powershot A630 8.0 megapixel. I really like it, and I haven't even begun to use it to its' potential yet.

(Zone 1)

:) Brenda: Cute! You Go Girl!

Actually I am pretty Blessed! My hubby knows how much I love plants, he comments every so often about the "jungle", but he likes that I am happy with my plants! He has his hobbies too ... he just bought a new truck and is talking about a bigger boat by next summer. He's pretty easy going, not fussy about much. I haven't worked in 15 years and feel very fortunate that I am able to be home to play in the dirt anytime I want! I do all of the yard usually, but he was just off for a couple of months (went back to teach Summer B term at the University last week) and he did all the mowing, edging, trimming etc. while he was off! He will even vacuum! I don't allow him to do laundry though ... he did that many years ago .... Once! He is pretty easy going. I make his lunch to take to school every day and I cook most nights, but he is so good ... he even likes T.V. dinners if I don't feel like cooking! We've been married 38 years (August 9th) and I think I will keep him around awhile longer! I tell him I KNOW he would miss all my plants if they were gone!

Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

Thanks Rose....I hate learning new things and for the most part mine is point and shoot but for beautiful close ups I may just have to buck up and put my learning cap on...

Here's the best I could do with my Mother's Lipstick bloom...It really has a yellow throat the spills out onto the petals to go with the fuchsia. I'd really like having a good picture of it!!


Thumbnail by bmedel

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