malathion on mandevilla?

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Ridgemont High? I thought that was my

Lots of the better movies are older, not much from these times will be considered a classic. When you get a bit older, there are some great independent films, a few

Wake Forest, NC(Zone 7b)

I suggest you try sprouting some seeds as was outlined in "Winter Sowing Your Seeds" by Mitch Fitzgerald. I found the article at http://davesgarden/guides/articles/printstory.php?rid=148

I am using the new 3/4 gal water jugs because they are nice clear plastic (and because that's what my wife buys). So far, I have sprouted foxglove and yarrow- they're at the 2 leaf stage now. You can re-pot when 2 or more real leaves are there but I wait longer. As for bigger seads, there are tricks like scarifying, stratifying, removing the fruit's flesh and drying the seed or soaking the seed overnight. I imagine someone here can tell you for your specific plants which is best. I get a kick out of seed sprouting, but a lot of the pretty plants now are cultivars and the seeds give you really the plain results of their ancesters. I waited 3 years to see some crepe myrtle seeds yield the ugliest crepe myrtle flowers I had ever seen (6 PLANTS!).

I'm in Wake Forest now, so I can only miss my near tropical plants in Orlando.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

hmm, I 'll have to check out the article---I try all the tricks it's just one of those things. hopefully with more advice and the GH I can get some seeds started.

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

Many, many years ago, in a land far away.... lol. I lived in California, in the SF Bay area, and they were doing battle with the Mediterranean Fruit Fly before it wiped out their crops - think this was in the early 80's. They finally resorted to aerial spraying of Malathion so every day when I'd leave for work, that's what I'd be smelling. Ugh! That smell is so ingrained in my memory I won't touch the stuff now. Had a guy at Ace Hdwr try to sell me some last year for bugs. Now I don't know what to use....

Johns Island, SC

Malathion works! No doubt about it. But for aphids??? Malathion is some pretty hairy stuff, and I still occassionally use it (because I consider it a "chemical of last resort") when nothing else works---like on tent caterpillars high up in my apple/pecan trees). But not for aphids! Simple Safer Soap takes care of those suckers in no time flat. Well, you may have to spray more than once! But the trade-off is so great, that I'm willing to spray 2 or 3 times with Safer Soap over 2-3 weeks to wipe 'em out to avoid the long-term pollution problems inherent with Malathion. Think Malathion for aphids is overkill, but no doubt it will work!

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

yeah my dad uses it for everything. the aphids are gone and the mandevilla is beautiful now. havent had a problem w/ them since back in june when i posted this

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