Let's see your blooms, part two

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Here ya go, part two. Let's see more of your blooms.. :) We came from here:



This message was edited Jun 17, 2007 10:51 AM

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5b)

My clematis is making me love it all over again.

Thumbnail by chevydevil
Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Thanks, Ticker. It was taking forever!

Otsego, MI(Zone 5b)

Here is Venosa Violacea

Thumbnail by CurlySibe
Otsego, MI(Zone 5b)

And Blue Ravine (a favorite!)

Thumbnail by CurlySibe
Otsego, MI(Zone 5b)

The President

Thumbnail by CurlySibe
Otsego, MI(Zone 5b)

Claire de Lune (which grows VERY well in shade)

Thumbnail by CurlySibe
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Beaker, you're welcome!

Chevy, I can see why. :)

CurlySibe, lovely blooms, especially like that Blue Ravine!! :)


Otsego, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks so much, Diann! I hope to be able to get more blooms each year - as these are all only 2 years old. Here is a picture of Blue Ravine when it blooms in the fall. The petals are skinnier... but this picture shows the coloring much better. It is more striking that you can imagine. It was my last pick of 6... and I didn't think much of it at the time... but it is thriving better than any other - and the blooms are precious. : )

Thumbnail by CurlySibe
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)


It is a lovely clematis no matter when it blooms. I'll have to be on the look out for it. May I ask where you got it from? Thanks.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Beautiful Clematis! Yes, finding Clematis that perform well in shady condition is very important too, since many gardeners grow plants very successfully in less sun. Your lighter colored and white Clematis really need more shade because their delicate color tends to get bleached out by the sun.

"Blue Ravine" is stunning! Do tell where you found it.

Thanks of the new thread, Diann!

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Nice pic of "Claire de Lune" Glad to know it grows well in shade. My plant is in shade until about 2 o'clock. New this year. Prob won't bloom this year. I am babying it and growing it on.


Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I also have Claire de Lune on the north side of a garage. It was new last year and the vine developed wilt. I have one vine this year as well, but so far so good.

Otsego, MI(Zone 5b)


Blue Ravine came from my favorite place - Garden Crossings! A top 30 Watchdog site. :) I haven't looked to see if they have it again this year - but I'd bet 'yes'...

The first picture was from mid-May 07... and the second BR was taken in Sept 06.

My Claire de Lune gets almost no direct sun at all... it gets some very early morning sun.

I'm having horrible trouble with both of my clematis that face south - even thought they are close to others that are flourishing, but facing east.

Having trouble with Avant Garde and Florida Seiboldii... any hints or tips? Too much sun, then on the FS because it does get a lot. Avant Garde grows, but the leaves are TINY and it won't flower for me.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Curly.."Avant-Garde" is one of the last pruning group 3's to bloom in my garden and is just now about to finish..this is year two for her and she is slower to get established than most..she will do better with each passing year..the leaves are small..that is normal
My "Florida Sieboldii" gets alot of sun..that is ok ..it loves it..I am glad it is flourishing in your zone for you..just give it time..it's another that is slower to get established...
Here is my "Avant-Garde" so you can see the leaves...yours should start setting flower buds soon!!

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Jeanne, I just sent a Florida Sieboldii home to Houston with my sister. How should she prune it and when should she prune it? Also, in the Houston heat, would it prefer to be in more shade? I kept it and 5 other (more zone appropriate) clematis alive inside all winter...


Libby, MT(Zone 4b)

Jeanne, your avante garde looks like it has two different flowers on it. One looks like just a pink ball and the other looks like the same pink ball with petals around it. Am I correct or did the petals fall off the pink ball?

I planted 2 avante garde this year. Yours is very pretty

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Ticker..mine gets alotta sun...it is a pruning group 3 and should be hard pruned around Feb 14th here in our part of Texas
Montana..this clematis has a pom-pom center and when the tepals fall off you just have the pom-pom..let me show you the different stages it goes through
Full view

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

and Just the pom-pom left

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

even the back is interesting..they are small blooms

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Libby, MT(Zone 4b)

How beautiful! Thanks DM

Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

Here is my Solina that I just got from Silver Star. It seems to be a blooming machine!

Thumbnail by rosethyme
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

'Solina' is very pretty! I haven't seen that Clematis before. Is it a Group 2 or 3?

Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

Shirley, it says it's a group 3. Also has a long blooming period.... from June to October.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Rose..I hard prune clematis "Solina" after she blooms and get another bloom cycle from her ..here in my Texas zone 8B..so when she finishes blooming ..prune her back again..sometimes I can easily get 3 bloom cycles...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

As you can see ..she bloomed for me back in May and already has grown back up and is getting ready to set flower buds for round 2...my clematis "Etoile Violette" bloomed in May as well and I hard pruned her after her 1st bloom period and she has grown back up and is blooming again now for me..Jeanne
ps..another great thing..is they will shoot up more new vines from the soil..this time I noticed that "EV" shot up two new vines for this bloom period...

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Interesting. I haven't heard of pruning mid season to promote blooms. If you just leave as is, what happens?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

It gets straggly looking and you only get a few blooms at the top..Jeanne

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Jeanne, is this when they get more established? Also, is this for all pruning group 3 or just some? Geesz, I don't think my Jackmanii stops blooming all summer, but it does slow down. It would be interesting to see of it would put on another gusher show.

Crossville, TN(Zone 6b)

So is it group 2 or 3 you prune hard after they bloom? Prune hard means you cut back to the bottom bloom. Right?

Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the info, Jeanne. I will prune it back. Your photo of Solina is gorgeous.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Please keep in mind that I am in Texas Zone 8B and have a longer growing season..so please remember that when chosing to do as I do...for those in colder zones/shorter growing season..there just isn't enough time for your vines to grow back up and bloom..maybe try pruning half way down?
Breaker..I don't think you have a long enough growing season to do as I do with my pruning group 3's
"So is it group 2 or 3 you prune hard after they bloom? Prune hard means you cut back to the bottom bloom. Right?"
Linda..your group 2's IF ESTABLISHED and not just babies in your garden will have another flush of blooms for you later in late summer/early fall...if they are in their first season in your gardens..hard pruning back after a bloom period will strenghten the roots system to only benefit your clematis in years to come..it will mean your blooms will come later than normal..won't hurt the clematis..this should be done to all pruning types the first year after planting....I do this to my pruning group 3's and what I call hard pruning is that I pruned right above the leaf axil about the 3rd or 4th leaf axil from the soil...so count up from the soil and prune there
Rose..Our zones are so similar..I think you can do the same as me!!..enjoy yall...

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

So JeanneTX, I have two baby Claire de Lune Clematis in my garden. This is their first season in the garden and they were very small. I am babying them, and don't expect to see any flowers this year. I was planning to prune hard next Spring. I don't expect to see any flowers, so I don't have the "after blooming" trigger. Should I just leave them alone until Spring or prune a couple of times before then, also?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Digigirl!! How's it down in Sugarland..are yall getting all the rain like we are up here on Lake Conroe??..I would leave your Clematis "Claire de Lune" alone and let it grow and bloom..after it blooms..hard prune it like I spoke about earlier in my posting...it will just help your clematis to have stronger roots...and don't forget to fertilize then as well!!...then around Valentines Day '2008 hard prune her for the last time..I've had mine for three years now..your gonna love this clematis!!...
I'm seriously thinking about hard pruning her next year...she is stingy about sending up more vines from the soil...seems like all the real purty ones can be!!...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

Yep, been getting lots of rain. Had a good downpour this morning! I'm hoping it doesn't waterlog all my plants, 'cause my dirt is still pretty full of clay despite the amendments I've been doing. (keeping fingers crossed)

So you think Claire will bloom this year? She hasn't shown any signs of it so far. She grew right up her trellis real fast and then just kinda stopped and hasn't done anything else since. I figured she was just working on her roots this year and that was all I'd get.

I don't know if you remember my thread about my $5 bargain buys - Vienetta and Cassis. Cassis bloomed for me, then stopped. Should I prune that one and let it start over? Vienetta hasn't done anything yet.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Yup.."Cassis" and "Vienetta" have the "Florida" genes in them if I am not mistaken and are pruning group 3's..I'd hard Prune "Cassis' and fertilize that little bugger and let him grow back up and bloom again..where in the heck did you find those two ??...None of the nurseries up here ever have anything..I've gotta order mine all online!!...We've got alot of growing time left and I am sure "Claire" will bloom for you...I just planted "Cassis" about a month or so ago..remember they sleep, creep and then leap..so be patient..they'll surprise you with each passing year..I never expect much from baby clems the first few years and am so thrilled over 3 blooms on them..like some proud momma of her babies!!

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

They had them on special at my local Houston Garden Center a while back. I was actually leaving and then the sign caught my eye - "Clematis $5." I couldn't believe it! I've never seen Clematis there before or since, but they had a whole table full of these. They were all Cassis, Vienetta and Pistachio. I got a Cassis and a Vienetta. They are trained onto a little hoop, so it'll be perfect to prune it back off the hoop, then pot it into a bigger pot!

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Here is Festoon Confetti Evipo 036. It's a very delicate looking plant. It kind of gets lost in the rest of the garden in the picture. The flowers are brighter than they look here.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Here is a close up of one of the flowers. This is the actual color.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh my..we have a Houston Garden Centre on I-45..never checked it out..must do..thanks!! "Confetti" is sweet!!...Jeanne

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