(cross post) Inexpensive Source for Clear Vinyl Saucers?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I posed this question on frugal living as well:

I am looking for an inexpensive source for purchasing several of those clear vinyl saucers (or similar products) in a variety of different sizes. I've been searching the internet for them, but found that the shipping rates are quite high. Has anyone here found a good source that they can share?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've bought most of mine at Dutch Plant Farm (local nursery), but I'm pretty sure I noticed them at WalMart recently, at what I thought were reasonable prices. You can get sturdier ones or flimsier ones... After dealing with them for several years, I've started going with the sturdier ones under my big pots.

Under smaller pots, I often use suitable plates (from salad plates to cake plates) that I pick up at thrift shops... just look for ones with a good rim and a little depth to them... sometimes you can find pasta bowls or shallow soup bowls that work well also.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Walmart has them cheap in several sizes, Wrightie. I also save the lids off things like frozen pies, salads at some of the fast food places.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hart- thought of you today as I was about to toss my Chic FilA cole slaw dish....wait! what a good size for african violets!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

LOL Oh oh. It's catching. I snagged a very nice one that will do for a large pot from an Edwards frozen pie last week.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OH, I'm quite familiar with those Chic Fil A dishes! The large cole slaw dish is exactly the right size for using as a liner in some shallow terra cotta pots I found... I like the looks of terra cotta, but my african violets don't do well in them, so a plastic liner pot is the answer! Those dishes are also perfect for miniature trailing african violets, which like a wider pot but not one that is too deep. A metal kebab skewer heated on the stove makes quick and easy drainage holes.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

a good excuse to eat an Edwards pie or go out for dinner! LOL, I used to think it was tacky when Mom put margarine lids under vases.......

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Less tacky... I use plastic lids under vases, but I put a little crocheted doily on top!

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