Unplanted trees

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

I've been given some friut trees, (peaches, pears, and apples) that didn't get planted this spring. They still have their rootballs in plastic bags of various sizes. They've been under a tree, and actually look pretty good, and all are still alive. Is There any way to save them? I can't imagine that planting them out in full sun is a good idea, can they be "hardened off". like veggies *g*?
Any advice would be welcome, I'd love to have these trees live.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I would plant each tree in a separate pot and wait until fall to plant. The summer heat can stress a tree and a newly planted tree may not be able to handle that stress.

Make sure that pot is deep enough to handle the straightened roots and at the proper planting depth. When you pot the trees, untangle the roots cutting off any damaged and dead roots. Place the pots under the tree and slowly acclimate them to full sun. Try using light colored pots. Black pots will soak up so much heat, that the rootball can be damaged or killed. Watering to cool the rootball may lead to overwatering damage. Black pots will be OK if you shade the pots (only the pots) from the hot southern and western exposures.

Gently remove potting soil from the rootball exposing roots when you plant the trees in the ground. This puts some of the roots in the native soil encouraging the roots to grow outward.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Thank you, bettydee. That's pretty much what I thought. I'd like to save them, and that seems the logical thing to do. I know the ones I planted this spring seem to be struggling in the dry heat, so maybe I'll do better with these in the fall. I appreciate your help, and so, I'm sure, will the trees :)

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