Eat what you grow!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Couple nights ago we had new boiled potatoes & sugar pod peas creamed together. Yummy!
Tonight son & I had to make our own dinner. Out to the garden, dug some new red potatoes. These were sliced thin & raw fried. Snow peas again, this time cooked till tender & buttered.

Others can add to this thread and tell us what you are eating out of your garden.

Huntersville, NC

Last night - angel hair pasta with pesto from the rampant basil... with a side of just picked green beans. Tonight came from a friend's CSA, not my own little plot: baby kale and beet greens sauteed in sesame oil with onion, garlic, soy sauce and tiny red skin potatoes. I am loving all this beautiful fresh food.

Hutto, TX(Zone 8b)

I didn't get my garden started early enough for central Texas (Tomatoes & Peppers Apr 15, other stuff a week later).

Even so, I enjoyed a salad of red & yellow cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, banana & bell peppers (with store-bought onions) and fried yellow squash tonight. I'm still waiting on the cucumbers, sweet corn, pole beans, and full-size tomatoes. Later this summer I should have watermelons & canteloupe too!

I'll have to save all the cool-weather stuff (peas, spinach, leaf lettuces, radishes, broccoli) for a fall garden. I've got the seeds ready...I just have to wait for some of the typical 100-105F summertime days to pass.


This message was edited Jun 14, 2007 6:13 PM

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Just lettuce and peas here so far, but we're happy!

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

I picked Swiss Chard the other day and sauteed it with garlic and olive oil. This is the first year I planted Swiss Chard and it won't be the last!! I thinned the radishes and we enjoyed munching on them as is!
I can't wait until I'm digging my Potatoes! Hilled them for the first time a couple of days ago-it's going to be awhile but worth the wait! My tomatoes and peas are blossoming. It's been very chilly here this week so it's set back some of the plants-the high today was 64 low in the 40's. Dreaves maybe I can send some your way! 100 to 105 degrees makes me perspire!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

At this point in time. Steamed broccoli, fried cabbage, raw cauliflower with onion dip, snapbeans with new red potatoes, corn on the cob and squash; crooknecks fried with onions, myriad concoctions to use zucchini Baked stuffed with beef is the best. But I throw zucchini in every door not guarded by a shotgun. buttered beets, raw carrots.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

When's dinner Farmerdill?! ☺

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

fried yellow squash, steamed buttered broccoli, cooked cabbage, onions, and new potatoes. Yum.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

We are early this year because of warm temps. It was 92º today, about 10º over average.
Things we will pick tomorrow for Saturday market; Snow peas, Kohlrabi, Red Radish, Kale, Cousa Squash, Yellow Squash, Green & Yellow Zucchini, Red Potatoes, Romaine Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce, Beets?, Swiss Chard, Green Onions (We use Super Star as a table onion.) Might even take some cut flowers.
Also last of the bedding plants.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Tomatoes, collards, cardoons, Barese escarole and lots of fresh herbs.
I made yoghurt cheese and mixed batches with fresh chives and thyme and mint.
The weather got too hot for our sugar snap peas about a month ago so I had to take them down. The first baby Kentucky Wonder green beans developing on the vines though. Soon they will be ready to harvest.

San Tan Valley, AZ(Zone 9b)

Grilled zucchini, zucchini casserole, sauteed zucchini, grilled yellow straight necks, boiled beets, pickled beets, carrots, cucumbers, dill pickles, pole beans, bush romano green beans and grilled eggplants. We seem to be having one or more of these everyday! Got some melons and peppers almost ready too!

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Lettuce is all gone--too hot--sure was good while it lasted. Other than that: fried cabbage and other assorted cabbage dishes, green beans, tomatoes (Better Boy, Romas and grape), cukes, peppers, squash, and okra. Blackberries are still coming in and cantaloupe won't be long. Several fruit trees are loaded this year too.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Zucchini/sausage "lasagna", pattypans fried in bacon drippings, green beans and beets tonight, tomatoes getting (slowly) there....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

It's been mostly herbs here so far... Greek Oregano in pasta salad & frozen for future batches of spaghetti sauce, first pinchings of basil used in various dishes (red curry on the menu this evening with Thai basil), garlic chives snipped into salads or mixed with cottage cheese.

However, my new strawberry plants have produced a couple handfulls of delicious berries, and my alpine strawberries are going to town with loads of tiny but delectable berries! It looks like the black raspberries on the bush at the end of the patch will be ripe within the next day or two, and we'll get a handful of sour cherries from our little tree.

Rome, GA(Zone 7b)

For breakfast this morning I had fried new yukon gold potatoes with yellow granex onions, yum! The two eggs I fried and ate on them were not from my chickens but that's only because the chickens are only 6 weeks old.

Had our first sweet corn this week too but I was not fast enough with the mineral oil and I got worms in like 1/4 ears and a lot of it is stunted from the drought but what I'm picking is good :)

This message was edited Jun 15, 2007 5:40 PM

Thumbnail by jkehl
Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Y'all made me think about new potatoes, so we dug up one plant, but our taters are huge! Mmm. Spanish omelette for dinner....

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Yay Bernie - fun topic!

Every Sunday I make a batch of what I call salsa salad that I eat all week made entirely from my garden (except some of the spices): Tomatoes, Mild Jalapeno, Onion, Cucumbers, lemon basil, cilantro. I just chop it all up and let it marinate.

I make a salad out of New Zealand Spinach and random other veggies that I bring to work with me for lunch everyday.

Beginning Monday I've started eating yard long beans. Usually I stir fry them with garlic and sesame oil.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Sounds and looks like everybody is "eatin' good". You can be proud of the fruits of your labor. My garden is behind this year for a variety of reason but I will be catching up soon.:-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

You getting any rain, rose?

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Hi Zeppy, We had one really good lightening storm/rain event on Thursday night that was wonderful. Nothing else yet but we have a chance for more thunderstorms TODAY! Got my hopes up! Hope you and yours are thriving.

I have been eating BEANS beautiful yellow pencilpod beans, my favorite bush bean. I also had one or two Matt's wild cherry tomatoes! Rose, my garden is really behind too. The vining beans and squash are slowly catching up as we get a few short evening storms.

I have also been enjoying other area gardeners produce. On Thursdays my neighborhood has a farmers market where neighbors can share. Yesterday I bought a HEAP of organic green beans. I could suppliment with my yellow, and add loads of purple basil, fennel leaves, italian catmint, lemon balm - and make a delicious green bean salad for our covered dish social at church tonight.

Our contractor (who also lives in the neighborhood) has provided plenty of fresh eggs, a handful of new potatoes, loads of zuccini - I have been eating really really good. I think he is angling to get some of the unusual melons I planted.


Manning, SC(Zone 8a)

No shotgun here Farmer Dill, and I LOVE zucchini........

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

So do we. Toss a few our way.
If you are really overrun, you can harvest and eat the squash blossoms to help keep the population under control.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Great, Rose! May more rain come your way!

Always lots of help digging taters here. These are Carola, a lovely early yellow out of Germany. Nice keeper, too.

Thumbnail by Zeppy
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Zeppy not one tater pic added to plantfiles this year! Put some pictures in there. I do appreciate that you added a comment.

Here is a veggie I left off the list. did pretty well considering the drought conditions.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)


Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Okay, okay, dill. Just got a new digital, so I guess I don't have an excuse.

That's one pretty space alien, I mean kohlrabi.

Toledo, OH(Zone 6a)

Being in zone 5, I only have lettuce ready to eat, unless I want to decimate my 'maters and have fried green tomatoes! I am soooo jealous!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Picked first green beans Sunday, ohhh, can't be beat.
I had purple kohlrabi last year, it was very woody even when small. I plant "Winner" here. You can leave them forever & they are still good. We harvest at about 4" diameter. Another we like is "Supershmetz". It's a German variety. They will get as big as a soccer ball.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Kohlrabi always reminds me of aliens for some reason.

CountryGardens - when you pickle your green beans so they get soft or do they stay crisp? Can you give me the recipe? I have green beans coming out of my ears - seriously. I give them away and freeze them and eat them fresh and sauteed. PIckling is something I haven't tried yet.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

I finally feel like this was all worth it, and I forgot to include the 4 Juliet tomatoes in the picture of todays' haul!

Thumbnail by catmad
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

The "low temp" processing method in this recipe from _Joy of Pickling_ really works well... beans stay nice and crisp for several months in the jars...

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

FarmerDill, I sent pics of my potatoes to PlantFiles! Of course, I had to dig up another plant to do it. Yum.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Good for you. Now if we can get some of the Caribe growers to add pics, we will have the popular ones covered.

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

what are Caribe?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

It is an Irish potato cultivar, that several people on this forum have mentioned growing.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

This evening I had fresh Early Jersey Wakefield cabbage steamed and buttered and just dug volunteer ( ?variety?) potatoes boiled and buttered. So good, reminds me of one of the main reasons I garden, to eat my own home grown food.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Tonight's goodies are buttered whole green beans,(picked very young), red potatoes boiled last night, reheated in butter with fresh parsley. Of course the skins are still on!
Got tornadoed out at market, (had a little thunderstorm, somebody got carried away with the siren), so had things left over.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

If you want a zuke that really really produces in this climate. Try Cue Ball. Big surprise, Mountain pride was the first tomato to ripen. Quicker than Jetsetter this year. First Galia melon today.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I made Green tomato and Red tomato Salsas - and mixed veggie pickles (beans, okra, cukes, jalapeno, etc.) and canned them.

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