Could I have mixed up THAT Many Seeds?

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Last fall was my first time saving my own seed and I really had a blast with it. But I'm a bit miffed at some of my rainbow containers that were intended to be monochromatic. It only happened with the petunias and I'm wondering if there's a chance they were cross pollinated? I planted a basket of what was supposed to be all red flowers that instead has a white and a purple one growing in with them. But the craziest one is my "all white" basket that has so far shown ONE white petunia amongst a plethera of pinks and purples. What gives?


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Sounds like cross-pollination to me, if you had all those colors of petunias growing in your yard last year they probably all crossed with each other.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Yes, ecrane is right. If you truly want monochromatic beds or containers I think you pretty much have to purchase seed or buy them from the garden center. On the other hand, you're not the only one. I bought -- at a premium price, I might add -- a red mimulus from Annie's Annuals this year and it's peach colored! I'm sure they'll replace it, but I can't afford the postage which is 50% of the order.

Right now I am miffed that all the big petunias and the ones that grow really big are all unscented, well, except one purple-blue one I found, so I bought some hideously ugly scented magenta petunias to plant amongst them hoping the seeds I get will be scented. Stay tuned until 2008 on this one.


North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Well I'll be durned. Maybe I'll get some really cool colors out of them (witness me being positive?) Argh.

(Zone 6a)

Hey, LaLa Jane! I bet you will get some pretty cool colours out of them. I've got a whole pot of petunias that self seeded on their own and some have really nice scalloped edges and cool 'splash' markings, I'll try to snap some photos of them and get them posted today or tomorrow :)


(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

I have some of those same petunias that I started from seed this year.

Very pretty.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Steven those are really pretty! Were they all surprises or were the "originals" very similar? I'm still pulling white ones out of the purple bed, lol, but there are a few colors that I've never seen which is pretty cool!

(Zone 6a)

I think the original ones were pink or purple, so most of them are surprises! There is even a couple nicotiana that came up in the pot too! I'll have to save the seed this year for winter/spring sowing!

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