Parking tomorrow

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'm going to try to describe where you can park tomorrow.

Once you turn into my driveway, it's a pretty long driveway so we can get a lot of cars in it. Please don't fill it all the way down to the road, though, because once the driveway is full, people will have to park in the field.

Immediately after you turn into the driveway, there's a large field to your right. If you need to park there, park in the area the other side (right side) of the box elder tree. You should be able to even pull up next to the tree and drive up a ways but there's a pretty large area there where we can park several cars right next to the driveway.

PLEASE DON'T DRIVE IN THE FIELD past (to the left of) THE BOX ELDER. That's where my septic tank is and it could crack. The tank and other septic stuff starts near the huge lilac bush and goes down to about 10 feet to the left of the box elder, if that helps.

There's also a long dirt access road at the bottom of the hill on the front of the house. In a pinch, we can park people there.

You can't park on the roadside except for a little area just past the access road if you're facing away from my house. There's a little grassy area there. Don't go too far over to the right there, though. That's my swamp. Stay on the grass.

I'm going to try to be out there in case anyone needs help. Just beep if you need help and don't see me.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

OK- printing- see you soon!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

How many people/cars do you have coming, does anybody know?

We'll do our best to stay out of the swamp and off your septic!

I'll look for you and ask if I'm not sure... but let me see if I understand... as you come down the driveway toward the house, you would pass first the box elder, then the septic system, and then the huge lilac bush... so we should be parking in the field on the road side of the box elder, not on the house side (lefts and rights confuse me; that's why Bobbie will be navigating!). Yes?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

No. If you can't park in the driveway, you'll just go a few feet and turn just before the box elder. Coming up the driveway, the field is on your right, the house on the left. The box elder is fairly close to the road. The septic is past the box elder, between the box elder and the monster lilac bush.

It will be easier for everyone if they can park in the driveway or the field because if you park in the access road or next to the swamp you'll have to climb a pretty steep hill to get up to the yard.

I think we'll only have about a dozen or so cars and all or nearly all will probably fit in the driveway.

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