Fig Tree

Mountain Home, TX(Zone 8b)

I have a fig tree planted in a whiskey barrel. It is very difficult to plant in the ground, because of all the rock.
I have had the tree approximately 2 years. It has done very well up to now. Now all the leaves are turning yellow and falling off. What could the problem be? We have had a lot of rain. Thanks for your input.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Fig trees need moister to grow well, but detest wet feet. All that rain may have damaged or killed some of the roots. Let the soil dry out a bit. Would it be possible to cover the tree with plastic to keep rain off the soil.
Water sparingly until the tree recovers.

It would also help to check the soil pH. The pH should be no lower than 6.0. Anything lower is unsuitable for figs.

I read somewhere that fig trees growing in pots need to be repotted every year. They are naturally very large trees and produce copious amounts of roots.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Assuming your soil is a suitable pH, you could try another fig that is small enough for you to physically plant in the ground and let it find it's own way through the stones. They grow naturally in rocky ground. It gives them those seemingly contradictory conditions that bettydee mentions - free draining so the roots don't become waterlogged, but also keeping the soil moister and cooler in hot weather than bare soil would be. I know it means waiting longer for figs, but will be a lot less effort in the long run and you should have a happier tree.
Just a thought.... Good luck whatever you decide, those sun warmed figs are worth the wait

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

There are a few varieties of dwarf figs. Petite Negronne, Blackjack are two. I've heard of a few more, but can't remember the names off the top of my head. Let you know if I remember.

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