FYI, regional forums are now subscriber only

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Heya! Just wanted to let everyone know that all the regional forums are now open to subscribers only. This forum had been open to non-paying members also (because it was new, or at least newer), but the question of closing some of the open forums was recently revisited, and Dave posted this today...

As Dave pointed out, just because people seeing our posts and pics are subscribers doesn't mean they're all harmless LOL, but it does limit the accessability of the forum, which I think is not a bad thing. I know more than a few folks assumed that regional forums were subscriber-only and were surprised to find out that this forum had been generally open.

I think nonsubscribers will still be able to view the first posts of threads in this and many other "closed" forums (a few are entirely invisible), so I wanted to edit to add a hope that members in this region who aren't subscribers won't take it personally that the forum is no longer open to everyone. There are still a number of general gardening forums that are open, and most of the "Home Talk" forums are open to nonsubscribers. Please consider subscribing so you can continue to join the discussions here! :-)

For me, the subscription is some of the best $ I've spent from my "garden budget," but if the cost is an obstacle there are several options. There's a short-term $5 subscription that can help you decide if subscribing is worthwhile for you (you'll be amazed at how much more is available). There's a Garden Angel fund (which Terry says is sufficiently well stocked at present, and if it needs replenishing she'll let us know) for people in financial need who cannot afford a subscription (just drop a note to admin).

This message was edited Jun 5, 2007 10:06 PM

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

Does anybody know of people that have been contributing to this forum that were not subscribers? If there are people that cannot afford the membership fee I am pretty sure there is a fund to help them out. There is also the possibility of purchasing gift subscriptions.

- Brent

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Brent, not that I'm aware of but that's a good point. The $5 subscription option (for 3 months, I think, or maybe it's 2) is also a good way for people to try out a subscription (whether as a gift or otherwise).

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