Do you have to be in the Tropics to be Tropical?

Baton Rouge, LA

Went on a Pond Tour here in Baton Rouge LA. this past weekend, saw lots or wonderful ponds and gardens. But this one stood out. It reminded my wife and I of a Polynesian hideaway where we were married.

Thumbnail by MaryandLance
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh 4004...that's wonderous! Makes me think of hiding away peaceful. Where were you married? And in response to your question, of course not. All are welcome here, we have lots to share, and the more the merrier....So Welcome, make yourself at home!

Here's a pic of the only water feature I have in my garden....aside from the ocean, of course! Small, but I like it.

Thumbnail by Islandshari
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Love the *hideaway* and Shari, love the little water feature.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Its small, as I said, but its where I put my seedlings after their first repot - so nothing much around it is big. I love the sound of water trickling when I sit out reading or garden has much maturing to do, but with all my DG help, I'm sure it will be beautiful before too long.

4004 - you haven't given up on us I hope???

Baton Rouge, LA

O.K. now I have to confess that I may have embellished alittle when I said Polynesian hideaway. We both have kids brought into the marriage so while the Islands sounded great we compromised with DISNEY'S Polynesian Resort in Orlando. LOL Commercial, yes, Beautiful, yes, just as expensive, probably, but no matter where we were, I was in paradise because I was and still am in Love.

Thumbnail by MaryandLance
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Lance - you really made me laugh. But only with the "confess....embellished". OF COURSE it was paradise! My dearly beloved and I spent our first honeymoon in Tombstone Arizona with three little girls....and I thought THAT was fun. We have since spent honeymoons in many of the world's most beautiful places....but its never where you are, its who you are with. Welcome again to you and your beautiful family....I think you will fit right in here!

Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks Shari,
I should mention that while vactioning a couple yrs, ago we returned to Disney's Beach Club Resort (best swimming pool anywhere you have to see it). Anyway they have Red Crinums (spider lilys) all around. Some where 7 ft tall. I asked one of the gardners if that variety was hardy in Zone 8, He said he did not know, and I thought that was that. The next day I saw the same gardner or I should say he saw me. He gave me 3 small strouts wrapped in a wet towel. (I feel like I still paid for them when the M/C bill arrived) Any way I brought all three home to LA. I did lose one but the others look great, there not 7ft tall, mabe 3ft but are producing several young sprouts of there own all around.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I've noticed that so many places! I always think that people are going to be so possessive about plants, like most people are about everything else....but no! You ask about something and pretty soon you've got bits and pieces and advise about growing them. Plant people are SO VERY COOL!!!

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Noted your mention of the Crinum you acquired on your trip. Assuming when you said "red" you were referring to the leaves--sounds like Crinum X augustum 'Queen Emma'. It has burgandy/maroon leaves(particularly the new ones), white spidery flowers with red backsides and grows to an impressive size, especially if the "pups" are removed or thinned out. I know they can get crappy looking during a chilly winter in Orlando and are known only to be hardy in Zone 9. If you plan to attempt growing it outside I would suggest heavily mulching it in the late fall and if you are really determined, a metallic based fungal spray in the fall/winter to ward off any onslaught of rot.
Should do well in a pot though.
Good luck!

Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks Joe,
I had one in the ground and and two in pots, and as you suggested I mulched heavy in the fall. And yes the one in the ground did look crappy over the winter, it did come back strong the following spring. I since have dug it up to protect it from the hazards of pool construction and it was not even fazed by the move. Funny thing though, before I brought them home I never saw them in our area but now I am starting to see them everywhere.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

You started a new trend. Now whatever you do or buy everyone else is gonna do/want. lol

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yeah....just like you never really saw that car you just bought.....but now its everywhere and you can't remember where you parked!!!!

HOD HASHARON, Israel(Zone 10b)

No, you don't have to be in the Tropics to be Tropical.

Even on the shores of the Mediterranean, desert on your south and European climate in your north - you can look Tropical.

Be Good,


This message was edited Jun 9, 2007 2:50 PM

Thumbnail by RRONNIE
HOD HASHARON, Israel(Zone 10b)

And water features are OK here too - adding tropical atmosphere (and contrast) to my Cactus corner (a not so much of a tropical environment).

The frogs bring in the tropical mood (even though they are made of ceramic).

Hi Shari - don't think i showed you these before.

P. S. - Did "they" contacted you ???

Be Good,


This message was edited Jun 9, 2007 3:00 PM

Thumbnail by RRONNIE
HOD HASHARON, Israel(Zone 10b)

And another one - some like "the sounds o silence" - some (me) the sound of trickling water....

It took me three monthes to build this one...


Thumbnail by RRONNIE
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Love the old hand pump. Those are getting kind of hard to find and very expensive around here.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

4004 - Tropical is what you feel? Tropical is what you get!!! Ever see Eclipse's summer plantings in Iowa (or is it Ohio?) for gosh sakes!!! is one of the reasons I won't plant Hydrangeas here...they grow well, but....Tropical??? your water features!!!

Hey, guys...we already have a PAGE 2!!!!


No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Ronnie, your cactus corner is very attractive, and love the water features.

HOD HASHARON, Israel(Zone 10b)

Thanks Carol & kaperc

Pepper - this is a real old Norton hand pump - and it's working !
I tell my guests i struck water 15 meters under and let them pump and drink...
O' well, for some reason most just don't buy it and i have to explain the hidden auto fill tank in the wine barrel...

If you have an Indian source/connections/friend - you might still be able to get one.

Indeed, their value is racing up - when i bought it 5 years ago (when first imported to Isreal) it was for $30 - now when it became "a fashion" - if you will find one for sale (in Israel|), be ready to get lightened by $200.

Be Good,

This message was edited Jun 10, 2007 1:09 AM

Thumbnail by RRONNIE
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, they are outrageous in price. lol. Oh well, I have my sources and I will eventually get one cheap.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hi everyone! Lance, Carol said it best....tropical is a state of mind! (And I am trying one little hydrangea anyway!)

Ronnie....what can I possibly say to you? Tears of joy are flowing between Kwaj and Israel....thank you is inadequate my friend. For those of you who don't know, Ronnie helped me find a lost friend. Another reason to love DG! Your home is fantastic! Love all the palms and cycads! And jb really likes your cactus corner! The water features are just the right touch...I too like the tinkling sound of water, I find it very soothing on a hot day.

As Carol said, we have made it to page 2!! WoooHooo!!!! And I personally think this is one of the best forums on, fun, facts, and friends. Keep up the great threads, so everyone continues to benefit! We should have a party! But then, I use any excuse to have a party!

Baton Rouge, LA

Did someone say PARTY?

Baton Rouge, LA

I am so irritable! So so hot (mid 90's), My yard (personal oasis) is a disaster and I can't do anything about now. And if that were'nt enought my dog died!
Looking on the brighter side.... I can't stand the cold, My pool is being plastered today, which means that water will so be in it and the contractors will be gone. (The picture was taken just a few minutes ago). And Opie the Terrior was old and is now digging in heaven's garden.
This forum has been so helpful to me the last few weeks, not being able to get my hands dirty has been really hard. (after all the only digging I've done was to bury and old freind).
I should be happy though, of the 20+ plants that I dug up and put in to pots or relocated to other areas safe from the pool construction only the Passion vine seems to have been lost (big surpise, could'nt kill it if I had been trying). I have planned and replanned the perfect soon to be new landscape. I have to stayway from the garden centers because the temptation to buy now is to great. (its to hot to plant now, and the Hibiscus go on sale in August)
Carol... You are so right on both points, but I am sure you can understand how hard it is for me to feel tropical right now. And there is now room in my plans for Hydrangeas (pretty, but not tropical).
Pepper... I have one of those old pumps in storage. No plans for it so if the postage won't kill you, I would take a resonable offer.
Ronnie... What type of palm is that in your yard and what zone are you in. Looks great

Thumbnail by MaryandLance
Baton Rouge, LA

This is currently is all that remains of my personal oasis, it to will probably be removed and redone this winter to fit in with the new design after everything else is done.

Thumbnail by MaryandLance
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Wow!! Disaster is right!! But on the bright side it is almost over. Sorry to hear about Opie the Terrior too. Dogs are people's best friends. I'll get back with you on that pump. Gotta figure out where I wanna put it. lol

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That's a great little waterfall area!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

The gods and goddessess must have decided that they needed some canine companionship recently. I too lost a furry friend recently - not my own, but a dear friend none-the-less. And I know of another one from here on island. This was so precious - they sent out invitations with pooch's pic on it, and threw a goodbye party. (This is a very common party here on our island). Pooch wore a lei of dog bisquits, every one came and brought doggie gifts (the butcher brought a HUGE bone), lots of kids said good bye and fussed over this sweet dog. They did this so that their kids would understand that the dog was going away for good - this journey was to life everlasting..... cool huh?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That is cool!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

They decided to do it that way, because when the Dad was a boy and his parents had to put his dog down, they told him the dog had run away. He wondered for years what he had done to cause the dog to leave him. It wasn't until he was an adult that a former neighbor told him that his parents had said that to spare him the "pain" of having his dog put down. He decided that his kids would know, and have a chance to say a last goodbye to their beloved pet. I thought that was so wise coming from a young man.

Hayward, CA

I plant tropicals all the time..and here in the middle of June I'm "luxuriating" in 73 degree San Francisco bay area heat!..can hardly wait for the 53 degree night.

I have a 14 year old Aussie..i have to hold his backside up while he walks up the stairs with his front paws-he waits for me to help him-ha. In his prime he was a great herder of cattle up in the local hills.
Dogs and plants. Nothing better.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Not just dogs....critters and plants. I guess if you love anything that gives back, scent, foliage....purring on your lap, or wet slobbery kisses to wake you are one of the lucky ones. Our joys are the simple ones, so our lives are more full.

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)

BayArea - My daughter's Basset mix is also 14 years old. Blossom can no longer go up and down the stairs either. My daughter put in a "doggie handicap-ramp" when she had a back deck installed. The building inspector was not happy with the ramp as it is not to code for people -- not long enough and the slope is too steep - and he'd certainly never heard of one for a dog. She had to call the dog outside to show the inspector! Finally, he agreed to let her ramp pass inspection. LOL. We gotta do whatever is needed for our friends.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Karen, how sweet of Rhea to do that for her furry friend! It sometimes amazes me the lengths we will go to for our pets....but they are so worth it! We have two cats that we got in Saudi Arabia as kittens many years ago. They have been everywhere with us, and getting them out here to the island was a MAJOR hassel! But when we are sitting on the couch reading, or watching a movie and the two of them are curled right up next to us purring away, we know it was worth the trouble and more.

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)


It is absolutely worth it! We could never ever leave any of ours behind either.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well, we certainly got off topic in this thread!!!! Ain't it fun?!? Anyhoo...go check out my new thread and post away....I really want to see everyone's favorite!

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