Special Announcement

Crozet, VA

You all can begin calling me by another name, if you'd like to. I became grandma as of Wednesday evening. Our family has welcomed Emily Nicolle Lane, who belongs to my oldest son, Ben. She arrived by c-section after her mom suffered through 40 hours of labor. I was a bit upset that the doctors let her go that long. She is doing well as far as I know, she is just exhausted I would imagine.

Miss Emily has a head of very black hair and has a beautiful round face and rose bud lips. She weighed in at 7 pounds and 14 ounces. She measured 21 inches in length. She is just adorable.

This is my first grandchild and I am thrilled. I will try to post a picture of the two of us when I am not so rushed. For those of ou who aren't aware.... later today I am meeting for lunch with Ladygardener1. Chris will be traveling through Virginia on her way to The Outer Banks of North Carolina. I am really looking forward to this meeting because in the past year I have become quite attached to this lady, along with others of you on the forum.

Anyway, gonna run outside and water some plants for a bit. I hope that everyone will have a wonderful weekend. Take care.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Wonderful news -- congratulations to you and your family, and a hearty welcome to Miss Emily Nicolle.

Shenandoah Valley, VA


Thumbnail by hart
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hooray!!! A new baby -- that's the best possible kind of special announcement!

Welcome to the world, Mis Emily Nicole!

Congratulations, Grandma! :-D

Crozet, VA

Thanks everyone. And...today I can feel a chest cold or something coming on. If I feel like this tomorrow I am not going to be able to go and see her for a while. Don't want to spread yucky germs to her.

Chris called an hour or so ago and has broken down in Morgantown West Virginia. So, our little lunch meeting is off. She is supposed to call back when they get on the road again. If we don't hook up this time, maybe we can arrange to see each other on her return trip. I hope so anyway.

Again, I hope that everyone will have a good weekend.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

So exciting!!!!!! Congratulations! Pretty name!
ruby- you better be well by june 9th!!!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ruby! ConGratualtions!!!
I like the name, too. I have an Emily Anne. A really good name. :D

A flower for Miss Emily! :D

Thumbnail by music2keep
Crozet, VA

Awwwww, yeah Emily Anne is a really cute name too. I am going to try and get to visit her again today. I spent most of yesterday preparing food to take so that new mom and dad don't have to cook too much. Boy are they in for a change with having this new member of their family. Ben's boss gave him three more days off from work, so that will help some. He and his wife will have to learn to take turns sleeping and things like that for a while.

How is the new job going Joey? Busy, I would bet. Take care everyone and have a good Sunday.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ruby the new job is a bit overwhelming, but will get better with time. It's a lot to manage, but is a great experience. I have started my summer class...a lot going on! But thanx for asking.:D

And we call Emily ~ Miss Emily!
Enjoy! :D


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Congrats Grandma! 40 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe they let her go that long either.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Photos! I keep checking back to see if we've got a photo of Miss Emily posted yet.... not that I'm impatient or anything... well, OK, when it comes to sweet baby pics, yes, I admit, I'm just a bit eager! :-)

But as long as everybody is happy and healthy, I'm good... I'll try to be patient a bit longer.... LOL

Crozet, VA

You are funny Critter!!! I will try to post pics, maybe tomorrow. It is getting to be my nap time now. I have picked up a cold germ from somewhere, so I need to do some resting. I haven't over done anything today. I have straightened the kitchen and did a large load of laundry. Oh yeah, went to store and bought 8 bags of potting soil which is still in the back of my car.

The weather here has been wonderful. Yesterday we had a full day of a nice steady rain. The plants loved it. It has been really dry here for several months. Today the sun is out and the temperatures are low enough to make it comfortable without the air conditioner.

the house is quiet at the moment, so I am going to take advantage of it and lay down. I hope that everyone else is having a good day too.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ruby, I hope you're having a restful afternoon... you need to get well so you can cuddle that bouncing baby girl!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

re the parents adjusting- they will think they're so busy like I used to. My neighbors have their first grandchild. I ran into the neighbor wife at the store, baby months old.. She was anxious to get home because of the baby, meanwhile there were both parents and both sets of grandparents in the house. to take care of ONE BABY !!!!!!!!
I thought it was 'cute'
It is a big adjustment, and I sure didn't have 40 hrs and then C section, I'll admit. Best wishes!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ah Ruby...I just saw this thread!!! I'm so thrilled for you!! You must be beside yourself!! Can't wait to see pics...bring them on Sat. too!!! And please get better!!!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Super fantastic news, Grandma! Bet you're bursting with pride & joy!! Please post some pictures when you are able to.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Ruby, So nice to have you in the Grandma Club. You are truly blessed. Grandchildren are the best thing in the world. Congrats to all. Holly

Crozet, VA

Thank you everyone for well wishes. On Sunday I masked and gloved up and held that little bundle for an hour or so. My brother had ridden with me to visit the baby and new parents, and I told him that he might have to take a cab home because I could sit and hold the baby till midnight.

This stuff has settled mainly in my chest. I began an antibiotic yesterday and am hoping to be back at 100% by Saturday and the swap. Surprisingly, I don't feel particularly bad, but when I cough it sounds awful.

Alright, gonna get that camera hooked up here in a few minutes and see what I can do as far as posting some pics of that baby girl.


Crozet, VA

Alrighty, I am going to try and post a picture of Emily and her grandmother (me.) This is at the hospital and she is less than a day old in this pic. I will also try posting a pic of her dad too so that you can see where she got her round face and dark hair. ha-ha

As soon as this chest infection clears up I will be spending more time with her and getting more pictures.

I hope that everyone is enjoying a good day.


Thumbnail by rubyw
Crozet, VA

This is Emily's daddy.

Thumbnail by rubyw
Crozet, VA

This is Emily's mommy.

Thumbnail by rubyw
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Oh Ruby! She's Beautiful!! And you're Right! about the face! She does favor her Daddy! :D
And now I have to change my mental image of you... I pictured your with darker hair! 'SO good to "meet" you! :D


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, she is absolutely precious!!! And "cuddle shots" are my favorite kind of new baby pics... fun to see the family resemblances and the immeasure love & pride on everybody's faces!

Miss Emily is indeed beautiful. I know you feel blessed by her arrival, and she is a lucky little girl to have you as her Grandma! :-)

Thanks for sharing those photos!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

new babies are so wonderful........!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh Ruby...what a darling!!! Bet you are thrilled beyond words!!! I'll be praying you feel better REAL soon!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Ruby, How absolutely adorable. Looks like she is just the center of attention, just as it should be.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

So great to see pictures of the entire family, but especially the newest adoreable bundle!

Crozet, VA

Thank you all for the well wishes and for agreeing with me that this little girl is just adorable. ha-ha I am really looking forward to having her be a part of my life. Once again, I am truly blessed.


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