Nicotiana 'Fragrant Cloud'

Zanesville, OH(Zone 6a)

I pop the blossoms off as they finish (until I want to let them go to seed). If I have a bare stalk, I cut it back. I figure that energy can be redirected to blooms on other stalks LOL.

Zanesville, OH(Zone 6a)

I have to say that possibly the nicotiana is a fragrance I just can't pick up because my husband says it smells fantastic! And I'm the one with the sensitive sniffer...go figure!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I have volunteers of a very tall, white nicotiana with long flower tubes. They might be h. sylvestris. Boy, they smell sweet at night and I love the huge leaves. Their stickiness is kinda gross, but I can deal with that. A few even popped up in the middle of grass -- those don't get to grow, just because they're mowed. LOL

Lakeside Marblehead, OH

was glad to see this thread! I have ordered some white clouds from Gracefull Gardens..Never grew them..I'm in zone 5...Do they prefer full sun, & what about watering & fert.? Thank you!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

My nicotiana grow and flower well in 5-6 hours of sun a day. I don't coddle them at all and they bloom great. They do look a little droopy on the hottest parts of the day, but in the evening they perk up, the blooms open up, and the smell is Heavenly.

Lakeside Marblehead, OH

Received my Nicotina plants from Graceful Gardens today...I got 3 varities ( fragrant cloud, nictotina perfume, & nictonia only the lonely)
These plants are HUGE & arrived in excellent shape..This will be my first year growing them....I couldn't believe how huge the leaves are! I need to harden them off a day or 2 as suggested..I'll be gone a month in mid summer & hopefuly they will surrive on there own without the xtra fuss of watering..I'm happy to hear that these reseed here in zone 5!!

Lakeside Marblehead, OH

despite the crazy Ohio weather my nicotina plants are doing great..Out of the 3 varities I bought from Graceful Gardens the perfume series seems to be doing the best, as flower buds are close to opening....The fragrant cloud & only the lonely series have not formed flower buds as of yet....Weather will finally warm up here starting tomorrow & all thru next week getting in the 80's so they all should start taking off even more.. We've ONLY ben in the 50's for over a week now w/ lot's of rain...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Mine all self seeded from last year...I'm beyond thrilled...I have the fragrant cloud and the larger one...might be Only the Lonely...they've been up and blooming now for a couple of weeks...the night time scent....Mmmm-Mmmmm

Lakeside Marblehead, OH

Thank's Chantell!!!
Today a few of my Nicotina (perfume series) opened up a couple of light green blooms...The fragrant cloud & only the lonely strains are getting huge as far as leaves go but no flower buds yet...
Went to a nursery today & they had some nice saratoga red & saratoga white Nicotinas...I bought 4 of each they were cheap only $1.89 for 4..They were aprox. a foot high w/ many open blooms on them...They don't appear to be fragrant but guess the hummers like them...Planted them in the back of the house....Think I'll go get some more at that price...

Some of the perfume series have other colors that are about to open either tomorrow or next day...Can't smell anything as I have a dwarf late blooming lilac bush that is starting to bloom & wow is it fragrant, can smell it everywhere, even in the house...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh Greg when they start opening you'll not be able to miss the scent...other then Jasmines and Gardenias...these are my top favs for scents!!!

Lakeside Marblehead, OH

I've noticed for a few weeks that the bottom leaves that lay on the surface had large holes in them...Then seen slime trails on my walk way..This morning I went out & saw the tinest slugs on many of the leaves...
I thought nicotina was poisionus as many sites claim it deters many garden pests....Has anybody had prob's w/ slugs?? They don't appear to be climbing the plants just eating the very bottom leaves..
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hmmm I haven't had that issue....I've always been told beer in a dish by the plants they're munching on works well

mulege, Mexico

There is some interesting information on nicotania at, my favorite seed source.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Katie it may be my phone I'll ck on the computer when I get home but that link isn't coming up for me???

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

The link won't work for me, either. Is this the right link?

mulege, Mexico

That's it. Sorry, I left off the "seeds" part of the address.


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

That was interesting reading. It makes sense people can get tobacco poisoning via wet leaves on the skin, but I'd never thought about it.

Lakeside Marblehead, OH

the link was great reading, thank's Katie...
My perfume Nicotina series is blooming like crazy, lime green, pink, & light purple, nice full blooms open by 4 pm...Some stay open thru the day & then close up..

The saratoga series are blooming like crazy (red & white blooms)..These are nice as they stay open all day long...I have over 20 of this variety...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes thank you Katie...although I don't enjoy mine any way but the bloom's scent that is certainly an interesting piece!!

mulege, Mexico

I read that catalog for fun. Good information and often very funny. I'm glad others enjoy it.


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