Transplanting an Apple tree

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Last year I put in an apple tree that I bought either from the Feed and Seed, or the local Walmart.

It didn't do much last year as far as growth or foliage, but already this spring, I got blossoms and now there is some minor leaf growth. So basically, she lives.

My dilemma: I am considering building a guest/summer house as an additional building and I want to put it right where that apple tree is at. Putting the building right there allows for an organized circling of the wagons, if you will, of my outbuildings and house. It leaves me no other option.

So, before the tree gets too big to move (only 5-6 feet tall now and still skinny) what is the best time to move it and how do I do this without damaging it beyond recovery?

Thanks for your help.


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Wait until its dormant (after leaf fall) take as much of a root ball as you able. They usally do pretty well as dormant transplants if you can avoid too much root damage.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


Thanks so much, looks to be late fall then. This might work out just perfectly.

I'll get the plans done, permits pulled and lasso my son for the brawn work to build this in the winter.


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