Fern erradication

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Are you SERIOUS?!?!?!?! One of my favorite old books is "Our Hearts were Young and Gay"....I spose that would be censored in some places huh? I thought the web was past all that censorship crap....oooops, can I say crap? Yeah, I figured this one was too small - trying to make the pic bigger, but not having a lot of luck. I'll keep tryin. As you may have noticed, I am nothing if not persistent! He he he he.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Onward GF...Onward!!!! Bigger photos!

Are all of our threads going to be this long and disjointed? Hopefully!

Are you really leaving on a trip Shari...or is it just an excuse to pack!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

No....I am really leaving - so I will talk to ya all next week. Don't have too much fun without me!

Yokwe all....aloha....be good to each other!


Kwajalein, Marshall Islands(Zone 11)

Hi all! Mom asked me to post this, so here it is...

Thumbnail by Tropicalmajik
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Good looking parents!!! At the Alhambra, right? Wow...lipstick matches top. How does she do that? HAHAHAHA

Really good looking.! You lucked out, Tropicalmajik...they look fun, too!!

Kwajalein, Marshall Islands(Zone 11)

The pic is actually a studio shot. When we were in Spain, none of the pictures they took turned out, so I put them on an Alhambra background. It's now one of Mom's favorite pics.
They are fun! I have the best parents, although it took me about 23 years to figure that out!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hey ya'll! Guess I should have brought my shovel! The youngest and I seem to have a mutual admiration society going on here. How's everyone doing? I'll be posting some pics of Pohnpei soon....gotta get them all downloaded - Carol - just wait till you see some of the Invasive ferns on that island OMG ! They are EVERYWHERE! How did your flamethrower work????

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Couldn't get DH animated to try it...and of course (grin) I am just a woman and couldn't do it...(gag). Am going to look into Dale's remedy too....

So, Lovely Shari...photos of you in bikini putting on your dive gear, please!!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Remember my comment about chunky dunking??? I only don the bikinis in my dreams these days! I'm starting a new thread with the Pohnpei pics. It takes me so long to post them, that we may be a while in the making. Patience my friend. I think my friend Cowboy may be joining us here in the Garden soon...he had visited many times, but never joined. I was telling him all about all of you wonderful folks, and I think I convinced him to join the crowd. If so, DG may never be the same....he's a Ginger/Kell with a severe Texas attitude and a sense of humor about the size of the same state. Should be fun!

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Good on him Islandshari .
DG IS big enough for both of us .
Looking forward to verbally duelling with him .
I had a good Pic for here ,
But I can't Find it . Kell

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Kell - I love....repeat LoVe the pics of you and the manequins! AND...you will be pleased to know, there were several Aussies at the hotel, we talked endlessly and I got my first lesson on the care and feeding of Ducatis. Luckily though (for my sake) there was also an Aussie there who enjoyed the full throated roar of a Harley, so I wasn't completely alone. :-)

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

I am not bragging here ,
But We Ozzies make great tourists .
We also know how to make fellow travelers welcome here in OZ .

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Truer words were never posted. Since this is a thread started regarding a fern....I am including just this one: Especially for Carol :-) This was a stone wall beside a walkway.....

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Hayward, CA

The best way to eliminate ferns or mosses or small ground covers? Amonia sulphate-fertilize's them to death. No poison or herbicide nessesary. Fast too.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

COOL Beans!!!! Will try that tomorrow!!! Better than burning and better than poisons....thank you SO much.

Now...(pushing the envelope...but with a big smile and ready for a hug) would you foliar that or just dump it on...??????


YIPPPPEEEEE!!!! I hope it works......YAYYYYYYYYY

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Good Luck with that Carol, sounds like the best bet so far! Keep us posted on the progress, I think quite a few folks will be keeping their fingers crossed.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Quickly, quickly Carol, try that one and let us know. :-)))))))

Hayward, CA

Just buy a bagfull Carol and sprinkle the Ammonia sulphate on by the handfull,don't dilute..I would think in 24 -48 hours the ferns will look like death warmed over.
A.S. is just about the most inexpensive fertilizer sold-used to green up ballparks,lawns, and such.
Repeat if necessary!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

How about the soil afterwards? How long before it will be usable (plantable) again?

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Never . lol
Soil turns to Nuclear waste ?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

We only have about 3" of soil here...and so much rain!!! we have to dig holes with a BobCat and fill them with cindersoil in order to plant a tree!!!! The fertilizer isn't good for the ground water which was polluted beyond repair by the SugarCane growers...we aren't talking about TONS of it....anyway....

Hayward, CA

I wouldn't feel guilty over it.Your eliminating a non native plant with the gentlest way to kill roots short of solar baking(cover with sheets of clear plastic-the sun heats to killing temps under it) but that method is good for isolated pockets of plants And if the ferns are in shade-that's out. A.S. isn't a herbicide as i think i said before, and like any fertilizer only stays in the soil for so long..you could plant vegetables on A.S. treated soil with no worrys about consumption within weeks.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

This is such a great solution. Thank you BayArea! I'm sure that it will be helpful for all of us - not just for ferns, but any unwanted invasive plant. I was reading a thread the other day from a gal who is struggling mightily with bamboo. DG is such a great site - how else would we have heard about AS from someone in Hayward.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Bamboo....Yikes...that is a HARD one!!!! Short of digging it out...Poor person!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

We had a Golden Retriever once that loved bamboo shoots. He kept our plot of bamboo well in check. Wish I could teach our present dog to like weeds or something.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Now that would be a great dog! You could make a fortune if you could figure it out. Only eats the unwated weeds, not the cared for lovelies. I'd get one of those even though my DH hates dogs! (I know, I know....some people just have some serious mental derrangement).

Hayward, CA

I once did some gardening at the local Zoo. We were planting bamboo next to the primates..well, i sort of cut a nice thick shoot and handed it to a Baboon who was keeping us company. He reached out and gently took it from my hand. You would have been amazed at the dexterity it showed in peeling that shoot like a banana!.I will never forget that.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Waaay coool! Great experience!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

How cool is that!!!

I do know that the local timber bamboo grower here says that bamboo is VERY hard to Round-up.

If it is running bamboo and your friend lives in a temperate zone...I kept mine in check in Seattle by following these instructions: every Aug/Sept, dig a 12" trench about 1' out from the bamboo in the direction you DON'T WANT IT TO GO. The runners will be running then and you can cut them off or pull them out. If you don't do that, those runners will sprout the NEXT year. Putting barriers around the bamboo doesn't work either because they will go down 3' to get under the barrier or go over it!!!

We did our first applications with AS today on the Boston Fern and the other groundcover I thought was a fern...it is a 'spurge'... Crossing my fingers!!

OH..if our dogs learned to eat bamboo shoots it would be awful!!! We grow timber bamboo and are thrilled with each new shoot!!! The ARE wild about all other fruit - lychee, bananas, tangerines...you name it! The cats too!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Carol - do you recognize this? The Pohnpeians called it Japanese Apple. We have a fruit here called Asian Pears that we really like - but I have no idea what this is. Any clues?

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Charleston, SC

Copper Sulfate will kill them...and any fungi you don't want

Keaau, HI

Hi Carol,

The weed is not the Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) but is the sword fern (Nephrolepis multiformis). Although some chemical controls have been mentioned, I would caution not to do so as they toxify the soil, and kill off beneficial micro-organisms (mycorrhizae, etc.).
Removing by hand is the best way. Don't forget that these weeds make great mulch for your trees!
Successful gardening here is time consuming.

Aloha, Dave

Honolulu, HI


Sensible advice! We are thinking similarly.

Aloha, Gary

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

try salt haha i had moss that was so annoying and i sprinkled salt on it and it all fried the next day lol but i suppose it would take alot of salt for the fern :P

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I have learned that BY HAND is the best solution!!!! Altho I have dusted them with copper sulphate and they die, but the stems stay erect for years...and the visual is ratty!!!!


Kea'au, HI

Carol, your "boston climbing fern" is uluhe (dicranopteris linearis) a native that is a curse and a plague and more invasive than many of the newcomers. It seems immune to weed poison, including commercial strength weedkillers. The only way I know to get rid of it is to weedwhack it. Because the stalks are so hard, and break into tiny missiles with sharp points, you have to wear protective clothing and goggles. New shoots will come back in a few months, but if you keep at it, it eventually dies. Big thickets of it are a cover for wild pigs, and they will form tunnels through it all over your property. I hate the stuff, but manage to keep it under control with the weedwhacker.

Keaau, HI

Dicranopteris linearis, Uluhe, helps to reclaim areas that have been taken over by invasive weeds. It makes great mulch for native plants, and for root crops such as taro. I use it to mulch my fruit trees, and no longer have to waste time weed-eating!

Carol's climbing fern is Nephrolepis multiflora, the Sword Fern. It climbs up trees.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

And it climbs up my patience.

David has seen an area where I 'Rounded Up' ...can't remember the date but nothing....NOthing has grown back in 4 years!!!! Must have been the time of the year...it was solid ferns!!!!

Crossbow will kill Uluhe...takes some time...but it happens!!!!

Harrison Valley, PA(Zone 5a)

I don't know if this will help but this is what i do to eradacate any weeds etc. I put boiling hot water with alot of table salt in it, put in sprayer that has a pressurized tank and spray the crap out of anything in my way. Hope this helps!

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

i bet if if you poured boiling hot lava on them they will dye LOL
no really i bet if you puored boiling Hot water on them it will fry those dang weeeeeeedzzz

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