
Fulton, MO


Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

...turned into this:

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

I think it is 'McCain.'

I have read that they turn abruptly yellow or purple and that this is when they need to be picked. We're going on vacation for a week the first week of June. If my greenhouse-watcher picks it and puts it in the fridge, will it keep until we get back?

Columbus, OH

I don't see why it wouldn't keep nice in the fridge...if ripe. The ones I've seen in the grocery look like they've been picked for months!!

Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

They are ready to eat when they turn dark purple .Usually they drop off the vine when they are ready .The skin goes crinkly if left, but the fruit inside is still fine to eat -usually last about 1-2 weeks after picking. They require hot sun to ripen.
Passionfruit is gorgeous on cheesecake or cream cakes ! Yummy!
The vine grows everywhere in the sunny North island and a visiting Canadian friend took several jars home with her as she had never tasted them before and adored them!

Bradenton, FL(Zone 9b)

I have eight foot high and 40 foot long trellis loaded with passion fruit. The oldest 20 feet is about 4 foot thick of vines.

Emelle is right on about allowing the fruit to drop. I then wait until it gets wrinkled before I use it. I heard this allows the fruit to sweeten more? I juice most of them and then mix a 50/50 mix with water and make ice cubes with them. I then throw them in the blender for a drink or drop a few of them in one of my tropical fruit cocktails. I am getting thirsty just writing about it.


Fulton, MO

OK, thanks, folks, will allow the fruit to drop.

Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

...and I am getting thirsty just reading about it Dale ....Sounds gorgeous!
Let us know what happens,

Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

I was going to say "Don't get your hopes up too much SB..." but maybe I tried the fruit before it was really ripe (it was still green). I pass many native passiflora clumps on my country bike rides including one of the 'albas.' I found the fruit to look like, feel like, and taste like styrofoam. If I was indeed just too early I'll look forward to some sweeter fruit in late summer.

Fulton, MO

Well, my hopes are up, as this is Passiflora 'McCain,' described in Logee's catalog as having "excellent sweetness and flavor."

My other one is 'Purple Possum' which is described as "delicious, sweet purple fruit." They are apple-sized now. I'll let you know.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I always waited until the fruit was both dark purple and wrinkled as it does sweeten as it matures. Just bite the top off and suck the insides out. Don't chew the seeds! lol

Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

And you don't have to remove the seeds !

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

no...just swallow them! That is about as close as I will ever get to eating oysters..its the same method right?

Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

I think they both have different noises when you sluuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrpppp!
Passionfruit is a sort of mmmmmmmmmmmm
Oysters are a sort of glullllp.

Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

Actually I scoop the fruit out with a teaspoon.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

We always were walking home up the valley where they just grew by the road and I would just grab some for the walk-more primitive-thats me! lol Oysters sound gross-I have sworn that I will go to my deathbed never having eaten

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I can't eat oysters either. I tried and got sick just trying to convince me to eat them. lol.

Lake Chapala, Mexico(Zone 11)

Hello everyone, new here! At my last house here in Mexico, I had about 100' of passionfruit vines, 3 plants, 2 purple fruiting, 1 orange. I LOVE the fruit and so do our parrots. Waste the seeds - nope, part of the experience. I too just cut them in half and eat them with a teaspoon. Here in the new house (year and a half), I started two new plants from seed, and am getting some fruit. One of my favorite treats.

Paris, TX

I have some that are green and read up on them. It did mention that some are poisonous. How do you tell. It said some of them were from Africa. The flowers have been growing for about 4 yrs but this is the first time I have had fruit. I do believe they are the most beautiful flowers you can grow.

Fulton, MO

The first one fell of the vine today. It turned yellow, but wasn't yet wrinkled.

The first half tasted great. The second half is in the fridge, I'm going to try it chilled.

Passionfruit are one of my favourite fruit.....just straight as you say also on ice cream! it makes a most wonderful icing and cream filling for cakes (mix with good thick cream and a little icing sugar!)
I thought that most people overseas did not eat is nice to know you share our passion for passionfruit!...Oh yes I have never heard of poisonous passion fruit just inedible ones (the ornamentals)....I would be most interested to know which ones are
poisonous :)....Ever heard of Vanilla slices with passionfruit icing ? or is that just an Ozzy thing?

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

I am just getting into passion vines and I want one that bears fruit - can you all recommend a good one?


Well over here the one that gives the most fruit and has a wonderful flavour is Nelly Kelly......and the Red Panama and Yellow Panama....I hope that is helpful....I often just plant the seeds of a yummy one from the supermarket and they throw great plants ....just sqeeze the fruit out and cover with a little potting mix in a warm sheltered place....they pop up a treat. Good Luck :)

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Chrissy100 -

Thanks for the advice - I'll take any I can get! We're just getting into some of the tropical fruits. We just planted a pomegranite and are very anxious to get a passion fruit. I think I've seen a Panama on a couple of websites. I didn't really know if the seeds from the supermarket would grow - I will have to try that!!

Ha ha ha ...well there you go...we have always been told that only we eat them's great that others do too ok you guys let me know when you are ready for a Pavlova recipe!!!! the greatest passionfruit recipe ever!

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Chrissy100 -

If you have recipes - do share!! YUM!

Back tomorrow with recipes folks got visitors arriving for the afternoon..........ever tried passion fruit butter.....passionfruit wonders to come.....see you tomorrow :)

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Chrissy -

I am still interested in those passion fruit recipes if you would like to share. I just purchased a panama red. It should arrive sometime this week.

I'm going to try the grocery store thing too.

This message was edited Jul 29, 2007 4:36 PM

Good on you ....I think you will need a pollinater though for good fruit set (get another plant) .Sorry I lost this thread...just one recipe for now ...more later busy day ahead.Since it is hot over there...

Passionfruit Sorbet
1 cup of passionfruit pulp Strain through a course sieve.
1/2 a cup of water
1 cup of sugar
1 egg white beaten to soft peaks.

Combine water and sugar and heat through stirring (not boiling) until sugar is dissolved....then bring to a boil.Turn down to a simmer uncovered and without stirring for about 10 mins.Cool to room temperature:refridgerate until cold.Combine with the strained
juice and pour the mix into a shallow pan.Cover and freeze
until set.Remove and fork around to break up then fold in the egg white.Return to freezer...cover and freeze.

Don't forget that passionfruit makes a most wonderful tangy icing (frosting) just add to icing sugar.Add to cream with a spoon or two of icing sugar and beat till peaks ...for the best cake filling ever.Wonderful in trifles etc.
Enjoy! (ps) don't forget to throw them on ice cream :)

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Chrissy -

That sounds yummy! Thanks.

I did not realize that I would need another plant for pollination. Should I get another one of the same kind or a different one?

If you get the same one there is a chance that it was grown from a cutting...but if it was a seedling another of the same would be ok....I would choose another kind if you don't know for sure besides that will be even more exciting.More recipes later :)

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