daylilly newbid

Deland, FL

I recently obtained day lilies at a plant fair. I have them planted in pots right now because I'm not sure where I want to plant them nor am I sure what to do for them. What do they like: sun with some shade, full sun, moisture or on the dry side, lots of mulch or little. The plants don't look happy for some reason. I need all "yous" expert advice. I would appreciate any comments.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


Daylilies have a great ability to adapt to many different growing conditions. Mine are sitting out here in a field of sand and blooming their heads off (second year in ground) despite our spring drought.

They like full sun, and when you put them in the ground, water daily for the first 2 weeks. That should be enough time for them to get adjusted from the transplant. I have fertilized mine with composted horse manure, Mighty Plant and fish emulsion, basically, anything I can get my hands on and not too frequently.

I also treat my plants periodically with Messenger.

Hope this info helps.

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