Is Datura, Devil's Trumpet, a perennial in Michigan?

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Can anyone tell me if Datura, Devil's Trumpet, is a perennial in Michigan? How invasive is it? Any definite "do's" and "don'ts" with this plant? I just bought two of them and have never had them before. I want to make sure I know what I'm doing (before) I plant them! :)
Thanks for your help!
~~ Glenda

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Morning ....Glenda....

Datura are not hardy here...use them as a annual...and they are not evasive Just pot them up in a big pot..and put them in a place where they get some sun and some shade. They will get about 4-5 feet high..and they will bloom this year..maybe...July..? They come in all colors...and singles and doubles and even triples...When each bloom is done..leave on the plant...and it will dry burst open..when it is for the line on the picky seed...hehehe...then pick..and leave to dry some more..and pick the seeds out..and have some seeds for next year..I start my seeds in the house..under lights..say...late Jan..or Feb...and wa-la....more Datura's for next can also trade seeds with them...I like the triple the lavender swirl....they are so pretty...I like to put them in I can move them..if they are in too much sun....You will enjoy them...Just my two cents...


Thumbnail by WantabeGardener
Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks Diana! Your yellow Datura is beautiful!! I've never had Datura before and wanted to try my hand at it, but was afraid to put it just anywhere. I never thought of a large pot, but that's a great idea. I bought mine at Bordine Nursery, but only saw single trumpet white. I did not know they came in different colors. .....You have my curiosity peaked by your "hehehe"-ing about the picky seed, but I'm sure I'll find out what you're giggling about in the near future. :) Thanks again for your help! Your 2 cents worth is appreciated more than you know. :)

~~ Glenda

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b) problem...any other question be ask..Yes the picky ball is a golf ball...and it does pick..Let us see a picture, when it gets all grown is a forum here...for Datura's ...Datura are different then Brugmanisa's ---also Dat's the flower looks toward the sky...and Brugs...they hang their head..also...Brugs..from seeds..most often do not bloom from seed the first you have to winter them in the house...Datura..if started early enough..will give you flowers..from seed...Brugs are more like a tree...and have many flushes they call them..meaning they bloom...lots of the same time..then...stop..and then bloom again..they are fun too...My Daturas does not get as many the smell a look at both I could go on and old women..hahaha..ok..take care enjoy them...


Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks Diana!! Will do!!

Have a great day!
:) Glenda

Grand Haven, MI(Zone 5a)

Over here near the lake (west) the white flowered Datura comes back every year, when grown sheltered near a wall. But it isn't invasive.

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

I have a friend in Plymouth whose Datura comes back year after year.


Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Wow Paul...really? Normal white ones? And planted in the ground? I plant in I can move not like so much this way I can move great...I would not mind them coming up long as they do MG....


Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Glenda..........If you would like I have purple and white Datura just need to send me a SASE and I will give you as many as you like....

In my humble opinion I think Datura is a wanna be really is an annual, but thinks its a perennial.....because it drops its seeds......and is a good re-seeded....

Thumbnail by deann
Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Diana.........I will trade you Datura le fleur (purple) for some of that yellow Datura if you have any??


Thumbnail by deann
Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Hehehe...Deann---- no problem...I do have some seeds..for the triple..double.yellow...Datura...gee you should have asked earlier...sure.. I will send you some...really I do not need glad to share...with you..

In the mail tomorrow...smiles...Diana..

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Diana..........I trust you have my snail mail addy....and thank you much for the seeds......


Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

heheh no the mail today...waving..


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

weeds weeds weeds-they grow like weeds here! I try to till as many under as possible
I dont even bother growing the yellow or triples anymore!!!
you guys can have em!!! ;)

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)


Seeds arrive this morning.........thank you so much........I promise to save you seeds when these bloom....


Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Ok..deann...glad they arrived...yes that are the last of the double..triple yellow..I had..you______! Dori...I never let any of my seeds fall..hthehehehe..maybe that is why they do not come up again...But I really like them...

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the seed offer! I truly appreciate your kindness.

You all are going to hate me, but I got rid of my Daturas. After the last time I posted here, I read the thread "Just a reminder to those new to Datura" in the Datura category, where I learned how poisonous Daturas are. I have 6 grandchildren, ranging in age from 20 months to 6 years old - we lovingly refer to the whole group of them as "The Raccoons" because they get into everything! And as if they don't keep this house jumping enough, we have other family and friends here all the time with their young ones. I just didn't want to take the chance of one of them, or our cat, getting into the Daturas and getting poisoned. For me, it's simply not worth the risk. ....I AM bummed though. They are absolutely beautiful!
Thanks again everyone! You've been wonderful!
~~ Glenda

Dearborn, MI

I've grown the white and double yellow daturas from seed without difficulty. Can't seem to get the double purples to germinate, year after year. Any hints

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Nancy, I have the single purple ones called Datura le fleur if you would like seed.

I have Grand kids too, but they never go in my flower gardens.....they are too busy wanting to fish in the pond...... and my two german shephareds stay out of my gardens also....


Williamston, MI

I'm with you. I also have six grandchildren and got rid of my Datura for exactly the same reason. I got the seed from Park's, found them incredibly easy to start and they were gorgeous. But the risks to me outweighed their beauty....much easier to replace a plant than a kid! And the Datura were only companions for the lilies. We have over 400 varieties, mostly unnamed, from all of my husband's crosses.
Just down the road from you in Williamston (my husband grew up in Fowlerville),
Nancy J

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Nancy J, it sure is a small world isn't it? Williamston is a beautiful little town. I go there several times a week, or pass through it going to Okemos.

Yes, it's much easier to replace a plant than a kid. lol ....And of course when it comes to grandchildren, nothing replaces them!! ;)

Wow, over 400 varieties of lilies! How beautiful your garden must be! ...My granddaughter's name is Lilli (short for Lillian - she was named after her great grandmother), so lilies are special to me. Cute little story, when our daughter was expecting Lilli, I asked her brother, who was 4 at the time, what his baby sister's name was going to be. He looked at me and said, "My baby sister's name is going to be Tiger Lilli." So... Here's what a Tiger Lilli looks like in my garden. :)

Thumbnail by Glenda_Michigan
Dearborn, MI

Deann, thanks for the offer but I didn't have any problems with the singles germinating. I had a purple one last that grew so large I had to take a saw to trim the branches. Decided to stick with the more controllable varieties. Nancy

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