Blacked out my town by cutting down trees. My Bad.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Remember when that last windstorm came through and a tree branch damaged my cars? Well the tree didn't come back this year and is dead. So, today we have a tree removal company coming out to take that one and a few others down that are a threat to the house, plus a few branches hanging too close. Well my husband gives me a call at 10am or so and told me besides losing a rail on the fence we have blacked out Brunswick. Oh, Oh. The dead tree caught the wires close by and touched them together. My husband heard a pop at the pole and about 5 seconds later another pop somewhere down in Brunswick. Hope the company we hired has good insurance. Now the real bad news. Some of the branches we're taking out are over my garden. Husband called a few minutes ago, said I might have lost some ferns :( Don't know what I might find when I get home. Husband just called again before I finished this post. He said I lost my ostrich fern and, boo hoo, my Monkshood that I wait all year to see bloom in September. Could have been far, far worse though. I just bought a whole lot of new and unique plants over the weekend that I hadn't planted yet. They're almost done now so damage should be done. Wonder if I'll have power when I get home :-o, I guess I should just consider myself lucky if there is no angry mob.

Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh my . . . and on such a hot day, too. Hopefully most of the folks in Brunswick are off to work and the power will be back before they get home :-))
We had a couple of bradford pear trees planted by a former owner and we kept losing branches until we had to take them out because (1) they were looking kind of lopsided/ugly; and (2) my husband was convinced we were really luck that they kept missing the house/cars and eventually our luck would run out. Unfortunately they were also the source of much shade for my gardens so we had to do lots of transplanting and now I'm needing to get some sunloving plants . . . . Is the removal of the tree going to impact your shade/sun situation very much? We lost a rail in our fence, too, during the removal project but no power outages. . . Good luck!

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

I plan to replace some of the trees because many of them were those nuisance trees with redbuds, dogwoods, and hopefully a coral bark maple. But meanwhile I may have to move some things around. Thank goodness I hadn't planted anything I bought this year yet because I was waiting to see what I would pick up at the Blandy Arboretum Plant Fair this past weekend. I did spend a lot of time arranging and rearranging last night trying to decide where to put everything, but I guess I'll have to start all over again. I'll have to see just how shady my shady garden is now. Thanks for the concern.

Pic taken April 30

Thumbnail by miatablu

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