Cardinal Climcer's and Cypress Vine ??

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

I posted on a "older thread" and haven't gotton a responce yet soo I thought I would ask again. Are Cardinal Climber's and Cypress Vine eaither one considered a Biennial? I kow that mine are LOADED with seeds right now, but I haven't been able to collect all of them and some of the seed pods are dried out and busted open. So do you think that I will have any to come up next year by their self??? or am I going to have to plant the seeds again. I truely fell in love with these 2 plants this year, and I really hope to have more next year.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I can almost 100% assure you that you will have cardinal vines forever:) somewhere in your yard.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

OOO Now I am excited!! I planted these on my chain link fence this year along with moon vines, and needless to say since I live on the main hwy I have had several older ladies to stop and ask me about them, they sure did turn out pretty with all the red and white flowers covering the fence and soo I am very happy to know that I will have them again next year!! Thanks for the info.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Mollybee, your question piqued my curiosity, and I did some research. I discovered that they actually are slightly different plants; Cardinal Climber (Ipomoea x multifida) is a cross between I. quamoclit (Cypress Vine) and I. coccinea. The difference is in the texture of their foliage, and I would probably not be able to tell the difference.

Both are considered annual vines that readily re-seed (as you may already have discovered.)

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Molly, my hubby loves it too. This year, they started sprouting in the front bed from a plant years ago, and instead of pulling them, we let them go because we were going to redo the bed this fall anyway. I can't bear to think how many I'm going to pull in the future cause we did this! But he loves it. And in another place, I will too. :)

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Hey who knows, maybe I will have them sprouting up everywhere next year,kinda like my johnny jump ups. But I will gladly dig them up and put them in there place. *Ü* Hopefully all the seeds I collected so far will be dried out enough to make a few trades too. any of you want to try some? If so, let me know OK?

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Take my word, here in GA, you will have them EVERYWHERE and then some..LOL..Better get some Round-Up, to be prepared..
I love them, but have to battle places I don't want them.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Larkie, I wonder if they would make for good transplants? meaning: If they were dug up(when they are small) for plant trades?? think they would live?? If so then I wont complain too much because everyone who see's them wants one, so maybe just maybe they would make good trades. Have you ever tried to transplant any of them that come up as stray plants? that might be a good idea for all the ones you are battleing to get rid of, ya think??

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

I have transplanted some, and if done before our heat sets in, would probably do o.k. But I could never do enough trades to get rid of enough..LOL..Like water hyacinyh's are here, just when you think you got em, "wrong"..I try to keep them confined to my 70 ft long chain link fence..I just spray when they come up in all my flower beds, and pull a bunch too.

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

This message was edited Monday, Aug 6th 3:27 AM

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Larkie, Hopefully they wont get too out of hand. and if soo dh will start wacking them with the weed eater!! That is unless I see them first, then I will dig them up and put them all in one place. I think they would look good growing real thick, as you know they are a bit airy when planted alone. so yea, I would put them all in one spot and maybe they will be as thick as kudzue {sp}LOL

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