How Invasive is Yarrow in the Washington, DC Area?

Oakton, VA(Zone 7a)

I've been thinking about putting in some 'Paprika' or 'Terra Cotta' yarrow in my front border and tucking in some drumstick alliums bulbs among them, but I'm worried about the yarrow being too invasive. Besides my shrubs (mostly azaleas) there isn't too much else in the border now as I usually use annuals in it, but I'm getting tired of planting a couple hundred impatiens every year and wanted to do something more permanent.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm not wild about Paprika. It is not invasive for me, but not that attractive for me either. Maybe you'll have better luck. For me, it looks OK in spring, love the ferny foliage, but after bloom is mostly dying back and wimpy. I don't think you'll get all summer bloom like impatiens either. (I am lovng my alliums that are starting to bloom for the first time, and thinking they would be super in a bed of something that blooms later, like my false dragonhead.)
Maybe someone else can advise us both.

Oakton, VA(Zone 7a)

sallyg, do you trim your yarrow after the first blooms fade? My Mom, who lives in North Carolina, trims hers to about 6 inches high after the first blooms and she has nice bushy plants that rebloom. I think she does it once more during the season, but am not positive. She keeps hers in containers, which is not an option for where I am considering using yarrow.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've got some yarrow that comes back in a bigger clump each year (especially an old white variety that a DGer shared with me -- stand back!), but while it might turn out to be a bit of a thug in that corner of the garden, I'm not thinking it'll be invasive in the sense of trying to take over the entire neighborhood.

Coreopsis is another good grower that blooms a lot for me (both the fernleaf and the lanceleaf varieties -- I have 'Zagreb' and 'Early Sunrise'), and I especially like it togther with purple perennial Salvia... Both those plants are really tough, also, and even do very well in the "inferno strip" between the sidewalk and the road.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

sdagutis- hmm, I haven;t trimmed it, mMaybe I will move it into a container and trim and see how it does this year. I haven't tried very hard wth the yarrow, other things have been more rewarding with no special treatment.
I think the alliums would mix well with the coreopsis.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I remember seeing this combination in last year's WFF catalog, I thought it looked neat. I have the Alliums but never did get the 'Paprika' Yarrow.

Oakton, VA(Zone 7a)

claypa, that's the very picture that got me thinking! Thanks everyone for the suggestion of Coreopsis. Like with the yarrow, I can't use the yellow colors. But the 'Snowberry' might work. I didn't see a picture in PlantFiles so here's one from White Flower Farm:

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