black/green mold on presprouted corn seeds

Williamsburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Almost every time I've tried the Baggie Method for pre-sprouting seeds, I have had an issue with black mold growing on the seeds. This didn't bother me because I was just checking the germination rate for older seeds. However, I decided to presprout my corn seeds this year before planting them. I didn't check them often enough obviously, because they have the black mold (caused by poor ventilation, I gather from threads I've read) though most have sent out both roots and sprouts.

I got online and have come to the conclusion that I should rinse the seeds with an antifungal solution and hope for the best. So, I rinsed half in a hydrogen peroxide solution and half in a garlic "tea". I hope to see which works best with a growing root and sprout.

My question is: If I don't see any improvement tomorrow (elimination of the mold), can I safely plant the seeds without transferring mold to the garden soil?

I really need to get them in soil soon, if I am going to use them (they are getting bigger every minute, it seems!). However, I could just start over with new seeds - I'd rather not chance contaminating the soil I have prepared. I appreciate any advice!

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