cox orange pippin blossoms

Brooklyn, NY

I have a 3 year old cox orange pippin tree. The blossoms are really beautiful, particularly when they are just about to open and have alot of red in them. They are also incredibly fragrant. Hopefully, a decent portion of the blossoms will set fruit. I'm orignally from the UK and really miss good apples and cox orange are awesome.
Anyone else growing them. I have heard they are very difficult to grow, but so far the tree has been trouble free though I realise its early days yet.

Thumbnail by gg123456
Baltimore, MD

I have it. The tree is an easy grower for me. The supposed problem is the fruit, they don't like heat and end up mealy and without the great flavor in many areas. I put my tree in a shadier spot which would be less hot, but its a bit too shady and has not fruited yet. I am growing half a dozen Cox-like apples to get a good one. Rubinette seems to get the best reviews as tasting like Cox but producing well in the heat. If you really want that Cox flavor in your climate and you have a little room you may want to give Rubinette a try.


Brooklyn, NY

my tree gets sun from about 8am to 1pm-
hoping thats enough sun while sparing the tree the intense heat of the afternoon.
speaking of rubinette- i have no room left- so i am hoping to find a nursery that will do a custom graft for me- I want ashmead's , rubinette, and queen cox, and braeburn on one tree.

Baltimore, MD

That sounds perfect for sun for this apple, if it doesn't work you can't say you didn't give it a good shot. I don't know how much difference the sun will have on things. In a couple years I will know how well all the Cox-alikes do since I am growing many of them (Queen Cox, Rubinette, Kidds Orange Red, Karmijn, Ellisons Orange, Holstein, Golden Nugget, Suntan, Freyburg, Tydemans Late Orange).


No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Just found this thread. We are growing Cox pippins, too, along with White Pearmain and a couple of others. They are in full sun and it gets pretty warm here in the summer, so after reading what Scott said, I hope we are lucky and get good tasting fruit. Does picking early help? We won't have fruit until next year.

We bought our trees from, BTW, they have a pretty good selection.


Brooklyn, NY

last year i got a few fruit- a few tasted great, a few were meally- will see how I do this year

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