Check your Containers for Surprises

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I had wanted to wait a few more weeks before planting out, but I just have TOO MUCH. If I wait 'till the middle of May to start it will be August before it all gets in the ground. LOL! So I thought I'd plant a few of the hardier seedlings today and as I was tipping a milk jug to get a stubborn clump of seedlings loose a big chunk of soil plopped into my hand.

But it wasn't a big chunk of soil. I have no particular aversion to toads excepting when they plop unexpectedly into my hand out of a jug of foxglove seedlings. I'll bet they could hear me whoop clear over on the next block!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Too funny! Toad, I understand, actually have rather nice "songs" as opposed to frogs that "croak" Besides, toads eat orcs (aka bad bugs)

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Check your bags of compost from the garden center as well! As the compost was being dumped out of the bag, a snake slithered out! My mom freaked out!!!! Fortunately for me, I'd pick up a snake any day over a frog/toad!!! I don't know why I have a frog phobia, but I do. If one had fallen into MY hand, I'd need lifelong therapy! ;-) Tamara

North West, OH(Zone 5b)


I am the same with snakes as I am with toads (assuming they're little garter snakes). I'm not necessarily scared of them but when they startle me I freak too. As for picking it up? Um no. I'd have to take the toad over the snake.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

ooooooooooo, boy. everything would go flying! I startle pretty easily. I don't even want to find a bug inside those containers, never mind anything reptilian or amphibian.

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

Does a slug count? YUCK! I found a decent sized one snuggled up in my Liatris container. Luckily he did not appear to do any damage. I put out a small container of beer to try and catch other that might be lurking around but nobody took the bait (maybe they do not like Bud Light). I did not think a slug would crawl over the plastic edge of a milk jug but I guess they will.

- Brent

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Jeesh I had another Toad Episode just yesterday. I had left an open bag of canna bulbs on the garage floor the other day and when I reached inside to finish planting them.......What's with me and the toads already?

LOL @ the Bud Light Brent. Maybe that's why they like your plants better.....the beer is "less filling"?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Did the frog turn into a prince??? If not, send him on his way! :~)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

No, no! Keep him around to eat bugs! I mean, what guy (prince or not) would do *that* for you??


The only container surprise I've had lately are the tiny grasshoppers that seem to be hatching from a potted snail vine in my bathroom. I catch them, crunch them, and wash them down the drain... I'm sure I've disposed of 3 or 4 dozen so far, and they keep appearing!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

At least they are very tiny... about the size of the exposed lead at the tip of a sharpened #2 pencil... better than the ant nest I found in a 4 inch potted cactus this winter!

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