Blooms galore

Lebanon, OR

Yes, if that much trouble then stay with the NO TROUBLE bearded as there are lots of colors out there to pick and chose


Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Denise, I had no idea you could grow Louisiana's up there. What do you do to help them through the winter months? Bob Ward is LOVELY!!!! Do you grow other Louisiana's as well? Those are some great shots of irises!!


Lebanon, OR

No trouble with LA, have about 10-15 of them...just plant anyplace I want them and they grow. Will have to move one as it grows and grows but no bloom so in the fall will move to an area where it gets full sun.

The reason I do not grow those as well or as much as others is because many of them grow too much and too quickly for me, and do not want to dig them all that often.

Grow junos, spurias, ji, siberians, many species, PCI, arils, LA. Getting big time in Spurias now...hope in future to offer in catalog as they make such a wonderful cut flower have about 75 varieties or more.

My PCI I will never offer for sale those are for me, and take heavy losses each year.

Thank you for the comments on the photos, been working hard on improving my photography...

Will be intro for Neil and Rod next year and then a couple of mine in 09...


Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Denise, working hard on improving your photography shows.!

Can you show us what yours, Neil's, and Rod's intros will be? Future introductions is always exciting to creates anticipation.

That is so wonderful you are offering SO MANY types of irises. LA's, species, and Spuria's too. Not too many iris do.


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