What in the world???!!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

My tulips are finally blooming YEAH! But.....I went outside today and something chopped the flowers right off the stems on a few of them. What in the world would have done that? I've never seen that before.
I wish I had the ability to post a pic. ...sigh... :(

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh my.

When I was in my very early twenties, I bought a couple of hundred really cheap tulip bulbs from Michigan Bulb Company. I had a raised wall at the front of my property and I planted them all along the wall.

They bloomed the first spring at one time, they were soooooooo beautiful, and I was so proud of myself. They were my first plantings in the first house that I bought.

The following day I went outside, and every single on of them were gone. It turns out that a six year old spotted them as he was walking to school, and he made an amazing bouquet for his favorite teacher. She at least had some sense and asked him where he got them.

"I found them when I was walking to school," he told her. She sent a note home to mom, who came loooking for the pilfered garden. I got an apology, but never saw the flowers again. They didn't bloom well for the next two years, and they were never like that first year.

Little kids. What can you say?

Enjoy the ones that you have left! Mine finally have buds-- but no flowers yet. My first daffodil bloomed today. Everything is late this year-- I didn't plant in my new place until mid January, but they're coming up and they're blooming!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Lastelf, That was my thoughts too, kids. But at least you got an apology, and someone enjoyed them. When that happened to me I found the Tulips torn up and laying to the side walk on the way to the bus stop.

I was in tears, Older kids can be so mean.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh Lady! That is so horrible. I would be in tears, too.

You're so right. At least someone enjoyed them.

Blessings on your garden,

Crozet, VA

Awwww......Lastelf, I can imagine how you felt when you saw the stems there. i have always loved tulips. I feel bad when only one plant is damaged. So sorry to hear that the same sort of things happened to you too Chris. Lordy, lordy.

Jen, someone will come along later and give you some possibilities of what sort of vermin destroyed your plants. So sorry that you woke up to that. What a shock. Knock on wood, we haven't had too much damage from animals even though we live in the country. I know that there are neighbors who keep getting invaded by one thing or another.

An update on my front garden. The largest bed that we have is in pretty good shape. John is not allowing me to go out to that part of the yard because he has things laying around holes dug and he is afraid that I will hurt myself. He is in the beginning stages of building a walkway. It will take awhile for it to be completed and I might not get to do much tending of that particular bed. I will have to be satisfied with the dozen other places that i things planted. ha-ha

Anyway, I hope that one and all has a good day today.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Well, the dozen other places will keep you busy! And once you get all done with the dozen, weeding, watering , trimming and deadheading it's time to start over.

Here is a little shady space going up to the deck from the water garden patio. I babied a primrose and Pulmonaria Mrs. Moon in pots, so they now have a home this spring. The space will soon fill up with Hosta too.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Rabbits or deer possibly. Rabbits have eaten mine before.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Lastelf, Glad you found out what happened to them
Lady, I would have gotten those kids with the hose the next day :) lol
We're not anywhere near any kids, except for mine and my 4 year old knows which flowers he can pick and my 8 month old, well, she's not even crawling yet.

Nanny, Did the rabbits eat the whole thing?
I found the flowers tops lying on the ground like Morticia Adams was in my yard :)

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Nope. Some I had, I don't think they liked the taste, but went down the line a bit them off.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Well my hubby did some surveillance...it was a rabbit

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Silly wabbit.

They're harder to deal with than kids. Rats, but mystery solved! Yeah for hubbies!

Blessings on your garden, (have you thought about a carrot patch since your'e feeding wabbits these days?)


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Try planting garlic or even alliums next to them. Rabbits hate anything in the onion/garlic line.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks, I 'll have to get some alliums.

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I can send you plenty of wild onions that I have been pulling up! :)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

UMMM, no thanks, well.... only if I can send you some chickweed? :) These things will just not die!!!!!!!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

allium Purple Sensation is just starting to open as my tulips are about done

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