Green peach damage

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

Something is leaving like a brown trail (like it's dead) on my little green peaches. I'm afraid that they're going to kill them. What can I spray or put on these to kill what ever little bug is doing this?

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Look for snails and/or slugs. If you can reach all parts of the tree, pick them off. Sprays probably won't work against snails because of the shell. You can place a ring of Sluggo (snail and slug bait safe around pets) or diatomaceous earth around the base of the tree, but you may have to reapply after you water or it rains. The surest bet would be to wrap a band of copper around the base of the trunk. I believe copper sets up an electric field through their bodies, which they don't like, when they crawl on it
It could be something else. Here are some links to other potention culprits:

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

thank you Betty. Actually we saw a black bug of some sort (like a mosquito on steroids, lol) on one of the peaches last night. One of the links looks promising.


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