
Northern, NJ(Zone 6b)

I was wondering how people are doing after this storm? NJ was hit hard. Storm started Sunday and flood warning is still in effect through 10 PM tonight. The Passaic River crested yesterday but the town of Paterson still has the school system closed.
I've been lucky and have escaped any major damage, just a lot of water and a little in the basement.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I just had to go see what all the noise was in my basement. I have the basement windows open so it can dry out and a neighbor's cat was getting chased around by my cat...he had snuck in and couldn't get out as easily. The usual roads that flood didn't, but another day of rain and it would have been trouble.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Same here, Claypa. We didn't have any flooding but the creeks were all really high. Thank goodness we didn't get another day of rain.

Glad you didn't get any serious damage, semper.

Northern, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks hart. For me the rains hurried our delayed spring so I'm finally seeing some of the lovely ephemerals like hepatica, blood root and my favorite, rue anemone. I also found a native ginger,honeysong, I thought I lost, putting out a tight rosette of unusual brown flowers at ground level.
Other areas of the state are a total disaster. FEMA was called in and volunteers are needed to help with clean up.

claypa, my neighbor had a similar problem, a few years ago, with a feral cat that got in the basement window. The wild cat terrorized the 2 house cats until he could be caught.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, I have to say my 16 year old coon cat had him on the run, I was impressed! The stray had no tail and he was very stocky. He had to hop up onto the fuel tank to get to the window.
That reminds me, I have to go open that window again, it's been beautiful the last couple days.
Here's a picture from this morning. There's a couple Clusiana tulips ready to go, in front of an Allium. The whitish daffs are 'Avalanche' aka 17 Sisters, VERY fragrant.

Thumbnail by claypa
Northern, NJ(Zone 6b)

The foliage on the Clusiana tulips are unique. Do you recommend them?
Here is the native ginger, Honeysong, in flower. Kind of looks like baby bird beaks open for food.

This message was edited Apr 26, 2007 5:28 AM

Thumbnail by sempervirens
West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I like them... there's a thin red margin on the rippled leaves. The colors are subtle, with a pale yellow center. They close up every night as if they never opened.

Thumbnail by claypa
West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

This is about an hour later. My camera doesn't do white very well, so you can't see the yellow very well. I have some planted in part shade but they haven't opened yet.

Thumbnail by claypa
Northern, NJ(Zone 6b)

Very pretty claypa. Are the Clusiana tulips species tulips that return each year? They look fairly short, not much taller than the grape hyacinths. I have the perfect place for them near a dwarf blueberry bush.
I have a number of clumps of the standard perennial tulips, tall yellow and red with black interior centers, that came with the house and have come back each year for the past 16 years. They had been planted in a straight line and I prefer a more informal look so I've moved them into looser more natural clumps over the last few years. The bulbs were either planted or had worked their way down to over 10" deep. They didn't open yet.

Thumbnail by sempervirens
West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I just planted these last year, so I can't vouch for it, but they are supposed to return reliably. And naturalize and multiply, even down south. This cultivar is called 'Lady Jane'.

That's deep for tulips, but it sounds like they're happy. I've had Lilies pull themselves very deep, and I know I only planted to a certain was more than a foot down in a brick planter box next to the patio. Maybe it was trying to hide from the squirrels, they are contstantly digging in that planter burying walnuts and acorns. They only dug up one 'King Alfred' daffodil that I know of, and left it uneaten on the lawn. And I found a Muscaria in the lawn where I know I didn't plant any.
That Ginger looks neat, I have to go look it up now!

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