Help me get used to this!!! Please!!

Madison, MS

This is my first year to try and do most of my flowers from seeds and I'm SOoooo... impatient! I'm so use to having everything already planted and blooming by now and I've got tons of babies. I can't imagine these seedlings being big enough to have blooms on them and be full. Someone please give me hope!!! Thanks!!!

River Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

I planted some flower seeds too this year. I was truly amazed by the tiny dycot sprouts about the the size of a period. That was a couple weeks ago and now they are almost ready to open their second set of true leaves and be transplanted into larger containers.

I seems to me that many flower seeds are slower germinating than most vegetables, except maybe peppers.

Also, some flower seeds need stratifying (cold treatment), some need soaking, some need scratching the seed coat surface, some germinate in the dark, some germinate in the light, some like warmer temperatures, some don't mind cooler temps. You have to know, ask, or research each variety or cultivar to know for sure.

Good luck, be patient, and keep us informed.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I have been doing seeds in the basement for some years now. One thing to do is keep notes on the seeds you start. Note book, index cards, journal in Daves garden.

Next year or several years down the road you can refer to your notes when you want to do seeds again, some you might want to start earlier or later.

Be patient, the fun is in the journey.

Ogden, UT

This is my second year growing flowers in two greenhouses. Last year I remember at this time panicing because everyone wanted the flowers and they were still tiny. But they actually ended up being fine by plant time.

Here I am again, in a panic! I am in zone 5 so really shouldn't plant until May 10 to be safe. But have numerous phone calls already peple wanting flowers and we have had 29 degree temps with snow and hail!! Silly eager people.
So I will be waiting patiently with fingers crossed til at least the first week in May. It is amazing though with a few days of good sunshine how quickly they grow!!
Patience is not my virtue but the flowers are teaching me.

So hang in there! Smaller not spent root bound plants are supposed to be healtier plants with more blooms. (I'll just keep telling myself that) ...... ha ha Good Luck

Madison, MS

I've transplanted them into larger containers already and most of them have several sets of leaves or at least 2 sets. The problem is not so much germinating (which I was really shocked!!), but the fact that they are all still so small. All the nurseries here in zone 8 in Mississippi are all full of beautiful flowering plants - we're in the 80's here during the day. This is where my impatience in coming from.... LOL!

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

You didn't say if you were starting them in pots, inside or outside or what.
I bought a lot of bulk flower seeds mainly prairie type flowers and grasses, so many in fact if they all came up at once they would starve each other out im sure. or at least i would hope so! I've never done this b4 so it's an experiment. ( I couldn't see buying one plant for $5 when I could buy 500 seeds). My theory is is that if I just hand broadcast them they will germinate when the conditions are right. All were stratified that needed it by the seed co. Even if it took a couple years which some might need well ok I've got so many. To me it's too time consuming and complicated to do in doors too many to do no room, lights temperature proper moisture, hardening off etc.
whew! well, i've had one variety come up! it's a pretty little white alpine flower that closes at night. i was planting roses going back and forth and after lunch i come out and wow, 15-20 flower blooms about5-6 inches high. unbelievable!

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

sooo what i'm saying is, is that these flowers will do what they do in their own time
there's no hurring them, but when they are going to do it there is no stopping them, as a matter of fact I saw some more of them in adifferent place in the ditch, they must have blew over there or something. and dont give up, I think a tulip seed takes something like 7 years to germinate? that's probably the extreme though, and a weed seed what 2 minutes. good luck, and be careful, because I don't think you can kill off all you start!ha! it's like a fire.

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