Gunnera germination

Marysville, WA(Zone 7a)

I have seeds for G. manicotta, tinctoria and prorepens. Now what ? lol A few seeds of each have been sown in starter mix filled trays with clear plastic tops. What would a good alternative be for the rest of the seeds so as to make certain there will be a successful rate of survival ??

La Honda, CA

Well, I see that this is a really old post, but here is what to do with Gunnera seed. I've done lots of experiments with these guys over the years, and what works best is to first rub the seed in the palm of your hand to rub off the brown wrinkly outer seed husk. Then take the small smooth seed you end up with and soak them in regular rubbing alcohol for 15 minutes - this helps to remove germination inhibitors. Then sow them on the surface and keep nice and moist, and expect seedlings to pop up starting in about a month, and straggling in over the next ten months or so.

These are great plants, so good luck with the seed. If you didn't have any luck the first time, try this method - it works!

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