where to buy red muscat grape vine?

Brooklyn, NY

My favorite grapes are red muscat grapes. I have never found a nursery that sells the grape and dont know the proper name for the grape. I found a picture of the grapes online-
does anyone know the name of this grape and whether any nursery sells the plant?

Baltimore, MD

The only widely found red muscat I know of is the Muscat Hamburg. It is more red than the grapes in your picture. If that is the one you want its not super hard to find, I think Lon Rombough sells cuttings for example.


Brooklyn, NY

thanks scott, but thats not the grape- the one i am referring to is about half green and half red- or maybe green with a rose blush. they are semi seedless, and very aromatic, and currently in the fruit stores. I will kep on searching. Normally the fruit store clerks r clueless as to varieties, but i can try- the grapes are labeled as "red muscat".

Baltimore, MD

Hmm, maybe it is Muscat Blanc?? The full name is Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains which I believe means with small seeds, maybe the semi-seedless you refer to? They come in many colors and there seems to be a variant called Muscat Rouge à Petits Grains as well. They are supposedly very hard to grow, I looked into growing them at some point and decided not to attempt it. I am growing Muscat Hamburg and Muscat of Alexandria. Muscat Hamburg is a very good grape, I highly recommend that one if you are up for the major hassles of growing vinafera. Muscat of Alexandria has not fruited yet for me.

The only other option I can think of is if it is some new variety of Muscat-like grape and not an older one.


Brooklyn, NY

thanks scott. difficult to know if thats the one as i didnt find any pics online. but petits grains means small berries and not small seeds. Im gonna have to try and track down the boxes the grapes come in coz its an awesome grape. I have been buying it in NY for at least 3 years. If I make any progress, i will let you know. thanks as ever for your time and expertise.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

GG, from your description this is probable the grape you are seeking. Apparently they have developed thier own cultivars. Most Muscats available are white, golden, or black.

Brooklyn, NY

Thanks Farmer! that very much looks and sounds like it. how on earth did you figure that out?
and also there's no way im gonna be able to get hold of a plant right?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Probably will not be easy. I have not tried all the California nurseries, O fcourse if you speak and red Spanish, you might find one in Chile. Probably will take a lot of effort to grow them in New York. Cornell has released a new Muscat, Valvin which is a white variety. You might see what else they have experimented with.

Brooklyn, NY

farmer- how did u find the grape i was referring to

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I just googled Muscat grape and waded through the more interesting entries, using key words like New York, and University.

Baltimore, MD

Good detective work, Farmerdill! There was a recent discussion on GardenWeb about new varieties of seedless grape that Ramming has developed in California. A few of them are muscat types, e.g. Diamond Muscat and Summer Muscat. It sure would be nice to have a high quality seedless Muscat type. Jupiter is the closest to that description that I know of, but these other ones look promising as well (both these Chliean ones and the Ramming grapes). Now if only it was possible to get them somewhere.


Brooklyn, NY

i wish I could send you guys a sample- if you like aromatic fruit, (and I really do), you would be in for a treat. And the grape is basically seedless.

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