Snow on the greenhouse

Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Crazy heartland weather! I wouldn't have been suprised at this back in upstate NY where DW and I met.
83 degrees last week - then 19 degrees earlier this week - now snow.
The trees are leafed out, the grass is green, the garden has onions, lettuce, garlic, peas, beets...

The last time this happened my old shadecloth ripped in two from the weight of the snow, but that was in March.
Somehow certain people will find a way to blame this on global warming. Go figure.

Thumbnail by digital_dave
Conway, AR(Zone 7b)


I thought it was bad up north, when we had 10" of snow the other day. I have a digital sign at my shop up there that I run from here in AR. I had just put an animation of a flower opening up and then a message stateing that "Spring is HERE! I called to make sure it looked alright and was told, the sign looks great, but just so you know, it is snowing out right now. I have always been so good at timeing...... not!

Hope you don't lose your shade cloth. I have been monitoring SB's posts on shadecloth. Something that I am sure I will have to look into before this summer is here in force. Hard to think about right now though, as I just came in from the GH and the heater is running.

Thumbnail by nautical99
West Bridgewater, MA

Looks like it's headed my way now! But only torential rains and raw next few days.
The tractor trailer due monday with our GH. What are you going to do.

At least I don't have a sign with a flower opening up!!?
April showers bring may flowers.

Peace, Paul

Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

The snow stopped after about an inch and temperatures went up to a balmy 49, just enough to melt the snow.

Hope Mother Nature is kind to you keywest. I'm a Mass native but haven't lived there since 1950 (at the tender age of 1). All the same, I'd rather be sipping a Margherita in Key West right now.

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