Look what I've goooottttttt

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Aren't they adorable?

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Everyone seems to be very healthy and perky.

Thumbnail by hart
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, what cutie pies!! How did you ever choose between them -- or did you mail order and have them picked out for you? How many did you get?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I chose the breeds except for the free roosters they sent. I have 2 rose comb brown leghorns, 2 ameraucanas, 2 barred rocks, 1 buff brahma and 1 black austrolorp, all girls. And the five roosters they sent to keep them warm. Want a free rooster, Critter? LOL

I picked the breeds for egg laying, friendliness (except the leghorns, which are champion egg layers but if they're like the white leghorns I had before, not very docile), hardiness and prettiness.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Roosters are tasty (no offense)! My great-uncle gifted us with a few roosters for the freezer over the years.... Is there enough room in the chalet to raise them for a little while until the hens reach laying size? At that point, the roosters should make good eating... if you haven't made pets of them, LOL.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

They are really cute, I use to have barred rocks. They will be very pretty when they get older too. Hey, I'll get to see them when we come for the Swap and Critter can pick up the Rooster. LOL

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I will work on an excuse for my anal back yard neighbor... do you think he'd accept that they were parrots or some sort of exotic pet? We're not zoned for chickens... and I'm sure he'd waste no time in reporting me...

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Very exotic parrots. Rare. Cost thousands. Noted for their very unique calls. LOL

I don't think I could eat them. I don't know what I'm going to do with them. I don't think I could deal with a flock of five roosters either. Oh, well, sometimes they make mistakes and maybe some of the roosters will turn out to be hens.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

so exciting!!! so cute !!! we love to see the chicks in the farm store. you must feel like a new mom. which you are! we should have thrown a shower for you.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

But then you'd have to crochet teensy weensy little sweaters and bonnets and really eensy weensy booties, Sally. LOL I am absolutely in love with my chickens. They're so adorable. The little Ameraucanas have their tiny little beards already. They look like Mennonites. LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ok tell us when you have named them!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

hart - they are the CUTEST - nothing like little baby chickens (chicklets?)

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

hart, they ARE adorable! I remember the days - let's see that would be 20+++ years ago??? when we had little baby chicks this time of the year - their 'peeping' used to keep me awake at night until they were old enough to go outside to the coop! We had barred rocks (loved them) and I think some of the ameraucanas - are they the ones that are black and look like they're wearing a feather hat? We used to call them "Frenchy" because they looked like those pictures of mademoiselles with their fancy hats :) It will be fun to see pictures of them when they get older - make sure to keep us updated with their progress!


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Got some much better pictures today. I posted a bunch in the post in poultry. Here's a couple.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

This is one of the little chipmunk leghorns.

Thumbnail by hart
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That's just what I thought when I saw them in the first photos -- they look like striped chipmunks! I would probably find the boy-chicks too cute to eat also... I like buying processed poultry at the supermarket, LOL.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Deb, I forgot to answer. The Americaunas don't have top hats. They're the ones that lay blue eggs. They have beards. The ones you're talking about are Polish, Houdans, I don't know what other breeds. They have feather hats.

One of the Americaunas has the chipmunk stripes too, Critter. They're all so cute.

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

so precious!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I live in a chick less zone too. So I'll have to be happy watching yours grow up.

We had them when I was growing up, Loved gathering eggs, I can remember mom getting eggs one time and didn't take the basket, she had both hands full and some in the hip pocket of her dress. Guess what she used to push open the door to the kitchen! ... Her hip! She was so mad, and mom never cussed.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG, what adorable peepers!!!!

Crozet, VA

Really glad that the peepers came. I can tell that you are thrilled. Off topic for this but on Friday I had to visit the Veterinarian to pick up some medicine for one of my dogs. In a laundry basket at the front desk was a litter of 7, all male, husky and chow mix, week old puppies. I ended up standing there about 15 minutes talking to the new owner who has adopted them, due to mother not being able to care for them.

I am sure that you can identify with just being mesmerized when looking at these amazing products of nature. I could have just spent hours looking and being amazed, but had other errands to do. The owner told me that at only one week old they will need round the clock feeding at two hour intervals. I offered assistance and she told me that she had already enlisted the troops to come and help.

So hart, have fun watching your youngin's. They are precious.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

quoting ruby- amazing products of nature
I think thats what ties a lot of our interests together; plants, pets, rocks, birds.
I was sure ruby was taking one of those puppies home! well, too young but watch out in eight weeks or so, keep her away from that vet's office...

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Chris, your poor mom, LOL.

Ruby, I spend a lot of time just watching them. They're growing every day and every day they have learned something new. Night before last, all of a sudden everyone learned how to scratch. So we did scratching practice for a while. Yesterday the little buff brahma got a piece of wood shavings in her beak and the others were chasing her around trying to get it. She was determined they were not. So we had chick soccer for a few minutes. LOL Then everybody was pooped out and plopped down for a nice nap.

Their wing feathers are coming out now and the little tiny rooster who is a darker yellow than the others looks like he is getting ready to start tail feathers. They've also started to make different chirps, including a kind of trill that is so cute.

Sally, I was watching one of the episodes of Gardeners Diary last night and the subject, a Virginia garden writer, was trying to explain the draw of gardening. She said that it takes her out of herself where she forgets anything other than what she's doing. "It makes me happy," she said. Yeah, we all know what you mean. Same for rocks and puppies and chicks and all that stuff.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hart watch out for those roosters, we had one that lost his head after he flew at me. Dad was not very happy with him.

Sounds like you are having a very good time with them. Did you ever read the Egg & I, about this couple that bought a farm and the young wife started raising chickens. It's an old book but a favorite of mine.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hart, Do you recognize these? They are your agastache seeds all hatched and getting ready to be introduced to my garden, if it ever warms up.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Crozet, VA

Sally, I was soooo tempted to take a couple of the puppies home. I know better. John and I both agreed that our oldest dog who is ten years old and still acts like a puppy sometimes, might end up hurting the new dog. My other two dogs tolerate Lucky but seem to know to stay out of the old grumps way.

Down the road if I am in the market for a dog, I will try to get a small one with short hair. You cannot imagine the amount of dog hair that I vacuum up within a week's time. The good company that these dogs are is worth any amount of money it takes. The new little puppies were half chow which I think is one of the prettiest dogs.

Anyway, I hope that this will be a good week for everyone. Take care all.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Aha....I found the thread!!! Post more pics when you can Diane, please? Or link the other thread you were talking about......pllllleeeezzzz.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I posted some more in the other thread here in Mid Atlantic, the same ones posted in the thread in the poultry forum. I'll take some more in a few days after their tail feathers finish coming out and there's more of a change.

Java got introduced to one of the chicks today and she licked it. LOL

Chris, they are so easy to grow from seeds. Looking very good. Have they gotten scent yet? The plants smell so nice.

This message was edited Apr 18, 2007 11:38 PM

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