Kiwi question...flowering males?

Central, AL(Zone 8a)

I planted a male and female Kolomikta Kiwi a year ago. Both plants, including a male labeled "Arctic Beauty" flowered this month. Did I get a mislabeled plant or do the males flower?

Baltimore, MD

Males flower. Their flowers should look different than the females - they produce pollen but have no ovaries to pollinate. If the flowers look completely identical then you may have gotten two females.


Central, AL(Zone 8a)

Thanks! I don't know if they looked the same but I will check closely. I suspect they (Forest Farm) sent me the right one. I look forward to my first kiwis this year.

Central, AL(Zone 8a)

Scottfsmith, the female flowers now have a drooping "berry" where the flowers were and the male flowers don't. Now I know I have a male/female pair. Thanks again!

Tallahassee, FL

we have a male and female vine that flowered this past spring and we know the bees did their work but we never got any fruit, she didnt do anything the flowers dropped and that was it! She did produce fruit once about 2 years ago so we know its a male and female and the vine is health and growing as it should, it gets plenty of water and we fertilize it when we are supposed to... what happened?

Central, AL(Zone 8a)

I am new to kiwis; maybe someone else will know. Mine dropped leaves and developing fruit this summer; probably due to the extreme drought and 2 weeks of 100+ degree weather we had. I thought the vines died but they are re-leafing thank goodness.

Greensburg, PA

Guinea, Do you know what kind and variety of kiwi vines you have? We have a local farm here that specializes in small fruit. They had to wait 5-6 years for their A. arguta kiwis to start producing fruit. At one point I was told that the delay was for the right pollinator to find them, so you could be looking at something like that. I have also been told that kiwi will fruit better if pruned the proper way. There is a science to it and if you google on pruning kiwi, you'll find lots of information. I'm growing several kinds of arguta, but only two of the female vines bloom. One is self fertile and produces fruit, but the other does not. The male has yet to bloom for me.

Greensburg, PA

Passiflora, I'm just getting started with the kolomikta. If you find yourself in a position where you need to prune the vines, let me know. I just might be interested in the trimmings as a trade.

Central, AL(Zone 8a)

I just planted them last fall! Here is a picture I took in the spring. I don't think they'll be ready to cut back anytime soon or I would be glad to share.

Thumbnail by passiflora_pink

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