Interested in "dig your own" unnamed daylilies in Frederick?

Frederick, MD(Zone 7a)

I need the garden space next to my fence and I currently have lots of un-named daylilies growing there. Anyone interested in digging some for themselves are welcome to them this weekend or next--if the weather holds out. I work during the week, so they are only available on weekends. I have some names for some of them, but most I don't and some may actually be crosses that have grown in. This is a "blurred" picture of the area that I need to evacuate... I also have some pictures of individual flowers from that area as well if interested--those pictures aren't blurry.

*A ditch lily or two have embedded themselves in two spots in this garden, but I'm pretty sure I have that area roped off. I'm in the Frederick MD area.

Send me an email if you are interested!! I"ll be working in the garden this weekend--I hope it's not too cold, rainy or snowy.

Thumbnail by nminmd
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Wow, those are a lot of DLs looking for new homes. :-) I will help with the "evacuation" LOL! It was just too cold this past weekend, and I figured you wouldn't be in the garden much. I'll do some tilling this week to get ready.... I've got some shasta daisies from Gita to plant out also, so PLMK if you'd like some daisies!

Frederick, MD(Zone 7a)

Are the Shasta daisies under 2.5 feet tall? If so, I'd love some--I'm still fighting 4 feet tall daisies from last year.

You're right--it was too cold last weekend. I should be out in the garden by 9 if the weather is good. Hope to see you this weekend. I know where some purple/pinkish daylilies are!

Thumbnail by nminmd
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Nancy, I'm not sure on the height of the daisies, but I'll ask Gita.

Purple/pinkish DLs! Oh, you sure do have my number! :-)

Making a note... Saturday morning... party at Nancy's!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Critter, you're on a roll! LOL Beautiful daylilies and so pretty up against the white fence. Wish I could get up there to get some.

Have you decided what you're going to plant in their place?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Nancy, I got a response from Gita... she said her shasta daisies get to about 2 1/2 feet tall, maybe even 3 feet to the tip of the tallest blooms... but she noted that they do have all those maple roots to compete with in her beds, so they could well get to 4 feet tall under better conditions.

Do you want me to just bring over a pot or two of them for you to try? If you like them, I know we'll be able to get divisions next spring (or even this fall) from the others that Gita gave me.

Frederick, MD(Zone 7a)

Sounds great! I will plant them on the side next to the fence and see how they grow. See you Saturday!

Frederick, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm sure I'll have some leftover--maybe one of these days we'll meet up at a swap and if your interested--I'll bring some daylilies.

I'm planning on putting my daylily seedlings that don't make my "#1 keep" list. I'll eventually weed through the ugly ones and keep the best, but for the time being--I need to move some of my 3yr and 4yr old daylily seedlings out of the
"keep" beds.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Heya, Nancy... just checking to see if we were still on for tomorrow, after all the rain... It's too wet in my garden to dig without totally compacting the clay soil, but that may not be an issue along your fence... ?

The forecast says the rain tomorrow should hold off until the afternoon, but I guess we'll find out soon enough if they're right about that.

Frederick, MD(Zone 7a)

Hmmm, Do you want to aim for next Saturday? It may not be as muddy or as cold. They will still be here--they sure aren't going anywhere... You seem to be the only taker so far....

Let me know.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We can see what the weather is doing next week, sure... I'm not so much worried about getting muddy or cold, but I am concerned about tearing up your nice bed in the process.

Waiting for drier conditions might be best. Hopefully we'll get some cooperative spring weather!


Shenandoah Valley, VA

That's awfully nice of you to think of me, Nanc. Do you know about the swap we're having June 9?

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

Nanc, i'd love to take you up on your offer...trying to figure out if i can make it out that way next weekend...this weekend iat rain we are getting the last of our stuff out of our old house.

thanks for the offer!


Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

hey again...the weather looks like it might be nice this weekend...did you have a preference for sat or sun? i'm going to try and see if i can convince my husband that a leisurely drive is in order for getting rid of one house :-)


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm sure hoping the weather co-operates and that the little shower that's threatening for tomorrow doesn't amount to much. It's *almost* dry enough out there to till.... :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Is the "Great Frederick DL Dig" on for either tomorrow morning or Sunday?

Frederick, MD(Zone 7a)

Looks like Saturday will be a good morning for digging! I've dug out a small section of "ditch lilies"--I don't want to give them away. The flowers are still available. I'm looking at around 9am-ish to 1ish as a good digging time. My son's Bday is Sunday--his cousin's is Saturday. So I'll be taking him around 2 to the get-together on Saturday.

I'll also be here Sunday--it looks like good weather for both days! If you have a good pitchfork or shovel, bring it along! Either way, both days are good. If you are up for a drive or are local and just want to stop in and dig up a few it's not a problem!

questions: Dmail me--or I'll check back here often... Thanks Jill.....


This message was edited Apr 20, 2007 7:59 PM

This message was edited Apr 20, 2007 9:49 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK! I'm looking forward to it. :-)

Nancy, this forum is still open to nonsubscribers, so you might want to edit your post above and just Dmail your phone number to anybody who's interested.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

THANK YOU, thank you, thank you Nancy.... WOW, folks, you would not believe how many DLs we dug and fit into the back of my car this morning... We made a sizable dent (well, visable anyway), but there are still many more!

I'll be sharing them around, but I'll be putting most of them along the back edge of our yard... I've been trying to get a strip tilled up just behind our little fruit trees so I can put in a border of DLs, with some shasta daisies from Gitagal (thanks, Gita!) and maybe a few irises added in later. It's going to be loverly! :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 7a)

I still have many more daylilies if anyone would like to come and dig some up! I'll be here Saturday! Dmail me if interested....

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