Seedling question

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Most of my seedlings are tall with a long stem before any leaves start. I know that means my light was not bright enough but it is all I had and I spent a lot on the set up I have. I will try to get brighter lights next year, but I am just trying to do the best with what I have. My question is can you plant the seedlings depper and cover up some of this stem or will that kill them? I know you can on tomatoes, but I did not know about things such as balsam and coneflower...stuff like that.

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

I have heard on this forum that you can plant most seedlings up to the leaves. I tested it myself with some Osteospermum to no ill effects, and have in the past planted zinnias and cosmos deeply with no problems. I guess the consensus is that it all depends on what kind they are! So, what kind are they?

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Purple coneflower, balsam, cleome, bachelor's button, cosmos and things like that...

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

How close to your lights are your plants? They should only be about 2 or 3 inches at the most away from the lights. If your lights are any higher, this will produce the situation that you describe.

It can't hurt to repot them into deeper containers..some may do fine, others may not, but you won't know till you try.

just make sure those lights are really close to the leaves...that will help with 'seedling stretch'.

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

I am going to be putting them outside now as soon as I can get them planted. I am so reaady to get all my stuff outside...

Fulton, MO

A fan might help, too.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi Yardqueen,

Here's a thread from the seed starting forum where this topic was discussed at great length:
I found it quite interesting, and did as most suggested by transplanting deeper.


Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

When do you guys/girls usually start your seeds? I started some in Feb. this year and for some it may have been too early. Also do you start your seeds in a community pot and then transplant to the six packs & larger pots or do you start in the six packs and then transplant to 2-4" pots?

I have lost several kinds of seedlings lately and don't know what I am doing wrong. Love-lies-bleeding is the latest one. It seems to be doing well and then just wilts and dies. Is this "damping off" and if so what to do differently?
I started my seeds in soil-less seed starting medium, Jiffy, I think. When the seeds germinated I moved them to the garage and then the greenhouse. It is a HF greenhouse with 2 heat lamps.

We just went through a week of nightly sub freezing temps though with daily highs in the 40s. I guess it could have gotten too cold in the greenhouse for the L-L-Bl. It was along the wall, farthest from the heat source. Some of my seedlings
some Gazanias
some Dahlias, lg flowering
Thai Red Roselle
are doing great and growing well,

But others,

Poppies, three kinds
Indian Paintbrush
Lg Bottle Gourds
some Dahlias, star gazer & Harlequin
have withered and died.


I am just wondering if this is all part of seed starting or if I have something wrong with my methods.

Peggy P

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

here are some good posts with damp off

it's in the middle of it

from what i learned so far... get away from the jiffy stuff... and to sterilize the mix you get.. i have been doing mine in the microwave... smells nasty but seems to help

I had greater luck this year with a soil blocker ... took a few times to get the mix just right... and have to use a spray bottle to water when they are just starting... that's what the picture is... the 7 for a dollar loaf pans from the dollar store... fit two soil blocks perfect... i found a larger one for larger seeds... the one in this link i would think would only be good for small seeds.. the love lies bleeding i started in them are going strong.... been watering with Chamomile Tea and Peroxide alternating... and now using some of the plantea....

setting up a fan in the room lightly blowing around the seeds has also seemed to help

oh and I read putting cinnamon on the soil when you sow the seeds will fight off fungus / damping off also

This message was edited Apr 11, 2007 10:34 PM

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