Brought dwarf nectarine tree inside... needs light?

Buffalo, NY

I brought a dwarf potted nectarine tree inside due to impending frost.
Will it be ok inside for 2-3 days with no light? I don't have it near a window, because it is so heavy, I could barely get it inside the door.
I brought it in because it's blooming, and I don't want the frost to kill the blooms.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

You got some lamps? I would move several lamps aroudn it to give it light or you may just lose not only your leave s but your fruit.

Buffalo, NY

not even any leaves on it yet!
just flowers...

Baltimore, MD

For 2-3 days it won't matter at all, don't worry about it.


Buffalo, NY

Update -
I brought it inside four a period of over two weeks. It seemed to be fine, since it wasn't growing leaves yet, just flowers, which I took the liberty to pollinate myself. It's now outside, in the greenhouse, since it still frosts now and then in the morning.
I'm glad I brought it in. It got down to 20 a few times.

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