Impatiens namchabarwensis any tips?

Pretoria, South Africa

I 've sown some Impatiens namchabarwensis ( the "True Blue" Impatiens) seeds two weeks ago. Still no sign of life. I didn't cover the seeds as Impatiens seed needs light for germination, and kept the soil damp. Does anybody have any tips on getting these to germinate?


Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

My packages say that it takes 14-21 days for germination. Bottom heat may speed it up if you aren't already using a mat, but I never have a problem. I planted mine 17 days ago and am currently out of town, and expect a pretty good crop when I get back this weekend. My basement is about 65 degrees - what temp are yours at?

I would say be patient and give it another week... a bit more if you are in cool temps like me.

Tuckahoe, NY

Your seeds should germinate readily in light at normal room temperatures. Sometimes fresh seed may wait a few months before coming up, I have some self sown seeds germinating in pots now that were brought in for the winter. The seed I purchased last spring came up within a week of sowing. I sowed it, then placed the pot in a plastic zip lock baggie, and set it under fluorescent lights.
It would be interesting to see how it fares in Pretoria. Having been to SA three times (and having a passionate interest in SA flora) I suspect it will do fine during your cooler winter season (but keep it watered and shaded), and may even manage through the summer. It should be protected from frost while actively growing, which is less likely to be a problem in Pretoria than in Jo'burg. It will set an unbelievable number of seed pods if it is happy, and will bloom continuously unless day temps exceed 90F on a regular basis (but cool nights help offset this).
Good luck, you will like this plant!

Pretoria, South Africa

I planed the seeds and left the pot on my veranda. I think the problem might be heat, as we experienced high temp. for this time of year - 90F plus a few days in a row. As it has been sitting in the pot for more than a month now, I think I must start a new batch. It is getting cooler now - and see what happens...
Thanks for the input.
Ernie, you are right about the frost. The part of Pretoria I live in hardly ever gets frost. Let me know if you are looking for anything from SA.


Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Everyone,
I have been looking for these seeds.
Can anyone tell me where I can purchase them.

Thanks so much,

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If you have trouble finding the seeds, Annie's Annuals sells the plants. As of last week she still had them available on her website for mail order, but I doubt if she has a ton of them so if you want one, I wouldn't wait too long to order. They're not cheap though, I think $16 or so for a 4" pot not counting shipping.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank You ecrane3


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