Spring landscapes

Walhalla, SC

And although not anything special in the spring, I really like the leaf of 'kihachijo'...I'm not sure what it is but the large serrated leaves are nice. But the fall foliage is what really makes this little guy special, nice golden shades.

Thumbnail by mattlwfowler
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

The leaves on the higasayama are stunning. You do have a nice boss. The others are fascinating too. All of them so different.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Here is a color "enhanced" shot of the little 'Omureyama'. The buds form on the ends of the branches and at least on this one, are mostly on the longer branches up top. I pumped the color up as the background is so bad and the colors blend so much that it is hard to see. Sorry about the large file, but it is hard to see otherwise.


Thumbnail by largosmom
Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

And one more of the flowers, looks like it is holding them, huh!

I also enjoyed all the photos, thanks for posting them!


Thumbnail by largosmom
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Boy, do I find it hard to photo trees before they get their leaves. Good job Laura.

I'm really enjoying the early spring foliage on Germaine's Gyration. It never does a great color thing but it's structure is so lovely.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Here's the Germaine's

Thumbnail by doss
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Here's the Koto No Ito in it's new place

Thumbnail by doss
Lakeland / Memphis, TN(Zone 7a)

Doss - my Germaine's is one of my favorites that I have. However, mine is tiny compared to yours.

Laura - you did an excellent job enhancing those "budding out" pictures. I tried taking pictures of all of mine coming out, but when I went to look at them on the computer, it looked like I was taking a picture of the ground :-(
I loved them all when they were all coming out - aren't they all beautiful !!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

And the newly pruned Butterfly

Thumbnail by doss
Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

I really like the green trunk of that tree, and the shape is very delicate.


San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi Again!!

Great pcis of JMs! I was at Regans the other day and so enjoyed the new growth. It is so fresh and sweet, like a baby!

Doss, a lot of nurserys have 1 or 2 kinds. I bought the couple I posted at Golden Nursery in San Mateo.

Yesterday I found this one but it wasn't for sale. I need it. A lot.
Farfugium japonicum 'Kinkan.' Have you found it anywhere? It is stunning!
You got me noticing these you know!

Thumbnail by Kell
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Kell, no I haven't seen that one. It's fabulous. Too bad it wasn't for sale. I NEED that one too.
Glasshouseworks has some odd ones.
I have the Kagami Jishi but they are very small as I ordered them by mail.

You have dmail

Walhalla, SC

How are everyone's trees doing since the big freeze?

Here are a couple of new pics I took of mine today...since mine were protected in the garage they came through unharmed for the most part.

Here is 'aconitifolium' flowering with its fuzzy samaras starting to show.

Thumbnail by mattlwfowler
Walhalla, SC

'Beni shishihenge' starting to fade...unfortunately i never got a good pic when it had the bright pink/orange variegation.

Thumbnail by mattlwfowler
Walhalla, SC

'Koshimino' has an usual leaf shape...not a spectacular color though.

Thumbnail by mattlwfowler
Walhalla, SC

'Fjellhiem' just keeps getting brighter. However, it will soon fade until the late summer flush...I think.

Thumbnail by mattlwfowler
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I love aconitifolium flowers. They are so beautiful. These seemed to pull through for you Matt. Was there any freezing of them?

Walhalla, SC

I think I lost my newly grafted 'katsura', and my larger 'katsura' has some leaf damage, but not nearly as severe as those left outdoors. They were in the garage but the thermometer still read 28 inside one morning...I wasn't expecting that.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Sorry about your katsura. :-( It is hard to believe that your garage would get quite that cold.

Walhalla, SC

I know I was amazed...of course it got as low as 21 in some areas I think.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Here's my Villa Taranto in a bed of iris.

Thumbnail by doss
Walhalla, SC

wow...what a lovely garden you have :)

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Iris season is the best. If you'd like to see the rest of my garden you can look at my diary. I LOVE my garden. It's only taken it 30 years - and of course I'm still working on it. :-)

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