Pepper seed viability

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I have had my habanero pepper seeds soaking for several hours. All of them are floaters. Does that mean than none of them are viable? These are seeds that I purchased this year from a reliable source, not ones I saved.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Pepper seeds tend to float for me too...and habs are worst of all. Give them some bottom heat if you can...they like it about 80*.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Thanks Mel. It's been several years since I started pepper seeds, and couldn't remember if the float test worked the same with them as with tomatoes. They kept right on floating, but I went ahead and planted them this morning. I have one heat mat, and it's going under the pepper tray.

Worse case scenario is that they don't germinate and I have to try to find someplace to order plants from. I've never seen any pepper plants offered locally other than the bells and jalapenos.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I had a few seeds that were still floating after soaking, and they seem to have germinated anyway. The bottom heat will be a huge help! I can be a backup source for you if you'd like, as I have a few more habs sprouting that I'll have room for in my garden. Dmail me if you run into trouble with your seedlings -- but I think they'll do just fine for you!

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Thanks Jill, I'll let you know if I don't get any seedlings. I'm a little concerned that the were ALL floating. You would think that out of the 12 seeds I had soaking that at least one of them would have sunk? I'm afraid that this is just a bad batch.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

If they were over a year old, the seed coat toughens and they tend to have a higher percentage of floaters. They also take a bit longer to germinate...some up to two weeks....but the heat should help.

Seeds sold for this year can be harvested up to 5 years ago and still be sold as's normal practice.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yeah... I'm only getting about 50% germination on my Biker Billy Jalopenos... bought a fresh pack from Burpee's last year, opened it just now... maybe some more will pop up... I have enough for my purposes, but at the prices they've been charging lately, I hoped for better! Hmmm, trying to remember, but I think most of those seeds sunk.... and some of the habs were definitely floating at the end of their soak, but they've pretty much all sprouted... so floating/sinking might not be a good indicator.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Well....I should be covered in the pepper and tomato department even if my seed starting fails. If it doesn't fail, we are going to have tomatoes and peppers coming out our ears!!!!

I just placed an order for tomato and pepper plants from here, to the tune of $86.00:

I couldn't help myself, I am worried about my seed starting this year and don't want to be left high and dry with only what I can buy locally, which is a green bell pepper and an early tomato like early girl. How exciting is that? It would leave nothing to look forward to, no anticipation. ;)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, ye of little faith! You'd better till up another veggie bed.... :-)

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