Texas Bluebonnets

Seabrook, TX(Zone 9a)

I see them growing wild in my town and am very tempted to pull over my car and really check them out!
Does anyone know about getting the seed from them and when??
Thanks for the help! Tricia

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

You can probably find some now, they've been blooming a while. They look like pea gravel.
Go for it Tricia!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I got sent some in a trade,, i ws sowed them and i have about 5 little plants (something ate most of them).
You are right the seed looks like biege pea gravel! Very pretty with dots and swirls.
If mine ever flower and set seed i'll send you some ..... that could be a year or more though.

good luck


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

You can get seed here
and a tour of the grounds is a great experience/.


Seabrook, TX(Zone 9a)

I think I will pull my car over one day and start picking.
Seed saving and harvesting is such a blast to me!

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

I started thinking it may be illegal and found this. I know you can buy the seeds everywhere, I've even seen them at Lowe's.


The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

Oops, scratch that Tricia..it's for Florida. Here's what I found for Texas and it looks like it might be okay to pick them.

Maybe post on the Texas forum and see what the others think :)


Seabrook, TX(Zone 9a)

That is too funny! I just remembered when I was a little girl my parents told me it was illegal to pick bluebonnets but we picked them anyway LOL
I forgot about that old saying until now.

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Trish, one of the things I miss the most since leaving Tx is the bluebonnets!
I wonder if they would grow here...I sure would like to try.

Seabrook, TX(Zone 9a)

I think they would you have the same climate. Try some and "Pick Them":)))
Ps...I have a brother that lived in Clearwater many years .

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hey they grow funny. Mine is like a big fat watery lupin now. Normal lupins over here don't look anywhere near as fresh and healthy! Must like our climate.


Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I bought several 6 packs of bluebonnets this year to mix in with other plants in containers. I've really enjoyed them a lot. They've been producing seeds like crazy now. I've plucked the seed pods off and need to know what to do with them now. I know I'll need to open the pods. Will I need to let the seeds dry before planting them?

Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Another thing.... Should I plant them now? Will they grow and bloom this year? Or should I save the seeds for next year?

Just FYI.... I'm in Southeast Texas. It's extremely hot and humid here.


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

well if it was me i'd leave them on the plant untill they start to dry there. But open the pods and look.
Not sure about your climate but i'd sow them now over here!


Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Man oh Man did I blow it then!!! I've already taken the pods from the plants. I just cut one of them open and found little green seeds. SIGH I will know better next time. I may still try and plant a few of these and see what happens. The bluebonnets still have a bit of bloom left to them. Maybe more seeds will come out if I'm lucky.

Thanks Mike for your help.


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hey it depends how little and imature the seed is.

Seeds are just like people... they have to be physicaly mature enough before they can fend for themselves.

Its still worth letting them dry and then sowing them. You might find some have made it into adulthood.


Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks so much Mike for making me feel better about a dumb mistake. This is the first year that I've even considered saving seeds from my back yard. I should have done some research BEFORE I plucked them all off the plants. You can bet I'll do that before I go plucking anything else off of the plants.

I won't just toss them out and since I cannot put them back on the plant, I'll open them up and let them dry without their "womb".

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Womb lol

Yeah never throw them. Sometimes needs must as you see a plant you want but its not ready.. so i have done it before. Trial and error thats the key.


Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I've had pretty good luck planting seeds this year. Those seeds either came from other folks here at Dave's, or in packages from stores.

Thanks again for your help and encouragement. I really appreciate it.


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I winter sowed Texas Blue bonnets and they are already in full bloom. Just goreous to me. I did think they were a tall plant though. Still cute little short plants. Will they grow any taller?

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I've never seen tall bluebonnets. About a month ago, my sister and I went to San Antonio. The wildflowers were all in bloom along the highway. We stopped to get some photos. There's nothing quite like a sea of bluebonnets!

Last year was the first time I'd ever seen any bluebonnets that were NOT blue. They were maroon in color. This year I bought a package of mixed lupines. There were quite a few colors on the front of the package. I just planted those the other day, so haven't seen any "results" yet.

I'm still quite disgusted with myself for pulling the seed pods too early. I did notice that there are still some out there though on the plants, so I'll leave those, as is the right thing to do.


Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures

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