growing Lily-of-the-Nile (Agapanthus) from seed

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Need advice on what do do with these great seeds that I have been able to obtain!

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Seeds should be sown in spring and seedlings kept in a cold frame for their first winter. Plants should reach flowering size in about three years. The best planting time is spring or autumn (while theres still some warmth and moisture in the soil for better establishment). On heavy clay soil it is worth planting agapanthus on a slight mound to imrpove drainage around the crown.

Give them full sun, moisture-retentive, but free-draining soil and the base of a south or west facing wall and they'll be well away. alternatively, they'll be perfectly happy growing in pots of loam-based compost.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)


Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I started mine in a window ledge planter in the fall and then transplanted them to reused 6 packs in the spring. About July they were ready to pot up to 4" pots and by the next fall they were ready fir the garden. The second year they really started to fill out and this is their 3rd year. 6 of them have now flowered!

Now I have started the smaller ones and they are Rooting up nicely! They prefer being a bit root bound so do not pot up to larger pots until they are starting to bind up in the pots. They will not bloom in the garden until they have developed an extensive root system.

Keep them consistantly moist during the sprouting and small seedling stages by bottom watering. I simply placed mine on trays and kept filling the tray with water only about 1/2 deep so it wicked up through the soil to the developing roots.

Once they are established they can withstand dry weather with occasional deep waterings.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the info!

Shreveport, LA(Zone 8a)

I am excited to find this thread!! I just asked the Library if I can have all of the seeds from the Lily of the Nile in the garden and they said yes. I am just waiting to harvest them. There are about 15 spent flowers filled with seeds. I am going to check them out today and see if they are ready to pick.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey! I collected my seeds from in front of a hospital! I went ahead and planted a few in a small pot a couple weeks ago! And a couple are sprouting! I plan on protecting them from any possible freeze we might have. I won't repor until they become root bound as suggested above!

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

i get so excited when tings sprout too, well done alhanks!

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